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AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium Call for Participation

The proposal process is now closed.

We invite you to contribute your best work for presentation at the AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium. The AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium showcases submissions from scientists, clinicians, trainees, educators, policy makers, administrators, industry professionals, and technologists from around the world.

Journal Eligible Initiative

In 2025, authors of papers and student papers will have the opportunity to request that their manuscripts be considered for potential publication in AMIA-owned and partner journals. This program is designed to encourage authors to submit their best work to the AMIA Annual Symposium, alleviating concerns that acceptance at AMIA will prevent future publication in a scientific journal.

When such accepted papers are referred to journals for possible publication and are ultimately accepted, a 400-word abstract will be included in the AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. Only the most innovative and scientifically rigorous papers will be considered for journal publication. Final acceptance of referred manuscripts will be determined through journal peer review, with coordination between the AMIA Scientific Program Committee and the Journal and Publications Committee. Additional details about participating journals and the AMIA Journal Eligible Initiative will shortly be published in the Annual Symposium Call for Participation. Authors will be required to indicate their participation status on the submission form.

Presentation Types

The AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium will consider submissions of the following types:

All submission types should report on current and leading-edge methods, applications, and policies from the biomedical informatics community. To support a diverse and inclusive environment, we will be offering program committee members, authors, reviewers, and moderators inclusive language guidelines and training. All submissions accepted for presentation at the AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium will be subject to review and agreement with the AMIA Inclusive Language Guidelines.

Use of Generative AI

AMIA requires authors to disclose the use of generative AI techniques in their research when submitted to conferences. This policy aims to promote transparency and accountability in scientific discourse, ensuring that readers and reviewers are informed about the role of generative AI in the study's methodology. Authors should explicitly state the type of generative AI utilized, its parameters, and its impact on the research outcomes within the contribution submitted to the AMIA conference. Full disclosure fosters a comprehensive understanding of the study and facilitates the evaluation of scientific rigor and reproducibility. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the rejection or retraction by the Scientific Program Committee. You will be asked to complete a question on the submission form.

Target Audience

The target audience for this symposium includes all trainees and professionals in biomedical informatics and related disciplines. These related disciplines include physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, advanced practice professionals (APPs), and other clinicians; health information technology professionals; computer scientists and systems developers; policy makers; public health professionals; biomedical engineers and bioinformaticians; healthcare industry professionals; consultants and vendor representatives; medical librarians; academic researchers and scientists; and other individuals involved in the collection, management, use, and dissemination of health information.

Inclusive Language

The AMIA Board of Directors approved an official resource as a submission guideline for AMIA meetings -- the AMIA Inclusive Language and Context Style Guidelines. The AMIA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Communications Subcommittee created inclusive language guidelines to educate and empower authors, reviewers, and moderators to take responsibility for using inclusive language in AMIA scholarship.

Read the Inclusive Language and Context Style Guidelines

Presentation Types

The AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium will consider nine types of submissions. All submissions must conform to the format and presentation requirements described herein. Specific file formatting requirements as well as an example template are given below in the submission instructions section. Please also pay particular attention to instructions at the end on the File Format Requirements and Reference Format. Each submission should have up to three associated keywords to help in the selection of well-matched reviewers as well as organization of meeting sessions.

Important: Deviation from the prescribed format, especially the number of pages and modifications of template margins or font sizes, may result in rejection of the submission without review. Except for podium abstracts, submitted work must be original and not previously published.

Read the general requirements for each type, including limitations on page numbers; please note that page sizes are required to be U.S. Letter (8.5 x 11 inch):

Papers from all areas of biomedical informatics will be considered, with particular emphasis on those that align with the content themes for the AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium. Authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their work at the symposium including any time for answering questions.

Papers must not be in press or under consideration for presentation or publication elsewhere. However, authors retain the right to make a pre-print version of the paper available on recognized preprint repositories (e.g., arXiv, bioRxiv, medRxiv, PeerJ preprints, etc.) or personal/employer websites prior to acceptance for publication

Papers must be formatted to be 5-10 pages (including all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements) in length and include:

  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country, if international) of all authors;
  • An abstract of 125-150 words summarizing the submission, which should also be entered into the online submission form;
  • Optional illustrations (figures or tables).

Students are invited to submit papers that describe complete or nearly complete research or development efforts in informatics which were primarily carried out by the student. All designated student papers follow the paper format requirements above, and they will first be reviewed through the standard review process, along with all other submitted papers. Student papers that are accepted will be presented in a regular paper session and included in the Annual Symposium Proceedings. Papers can only be submitted as a student paper or a regular paper, not both.

In addition, all accepted student papers will be referred to the Student Paper Advisory Committee (SPAC) for consideration for the Student Paper Competition. Eight student papers will be selected by the SPAC as finalists for the award competition and these eight papers will be presented at a special session. The eight finalist papers will be presented twice during the symposium (i.e., once in the Student Paper Competition session and once in a regular scientific session). It is up to the submitting student to ensure that their paper is correctly identified as a student paper proposal.

Individuals, who as of the submission deadline, are enrolled in a degree granting program or in an academic program, such as a medical residency or a post-doctoral fellowship, are eligible to enter a paper into the Student Paper Competition. Work performed as part of a large, collaborative effort is acceptable; however, the student paper will be judged on the student’s specific contributions to the project, which must be clearly delineated. Only individual students, not groups, may submit papers for consideration in the Student Paper Competition. Preparation of a manuscript must be entirely the work of the student. Entries from international students are encouraged.

The page requirements for Student Papers are identical to those of regular Paper submissions. Additionally, Student Papers submitted for consideration in the Student Paper Competition must provide the following information from each student:

  • The name and address of the training program;
  • Clear identification of the primary advisor of the student submitting the paper;
  • All co-authors and a description of each author's contribution to the work;
  • An attestation of the student's contribution to the manuscript with respect to the following items: (a) The text of the manuscript itself; (b) The data collected for any analysis; (c) The actual data analysis; (d) The review of the literature; (e) If a system was developed, the role of the student in the coding/development of the system; and (f) The evaluation of the results and the formation of the conclusion;
  • The student will be asked to upload a PDF of the attestation letter signed by their primary advisor confirming items a-f above.

The first author listed for a Student Paper submission must be the trainee who is eligible for the Student Paper Competition.

The podium abstract format allows for the presentation of cutting-edge unpublished research that the author wishes to reserve publication rights for future consideration or outstanding work previously published in a peer-reviewed journal. Priority will be given to work that has not previously been unpublished or disseminated in other forums. Authors of accepted podium abstracts will have up to 18 minutes to present their work at the symposium including any questions and discussion.

Abstracts will NOT be indexed in MEDLINE, enabling authors to submit their best work that is destined for future journal publication. Contributions may also consist of abstracts based on work published in peer-reviewed journals in the last year (i.e., publication after March 2023); however, works published as proceedings for other conferences will not be accepted. Citation of the previous work is required.

Submissions must be submitted as a two-page (including all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements) document and include:

  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country, if international) of all authors;
  • A structured abstract must be submitted that includes the following sections:
    • Introduction – A short background and objective(s) of the study;
    • Methods – Design, setting (if appropriate), patients or participants (if appropriate), interventions (if appropriate), and main outcome measurement;
    • Results – Key findings;
    • Discussion – Key Conclusions with direct reference to the foundational advancement or biomedical application of the work;
    • Optional illustrations (figures or tables);
    • References.

In addition, all podium abstract submissions must have a brief (50-75 words) abstract. The abstract paragraph does NOT have to be part of the document but must be entered on the submission website in the Abstract box on the online submission form.

Posters are the preferred format for presenting preliminary research or results of small-scale studies, illustrating and discussing innovative systems and services, describing experimental and in-practice projects and programs, reporting experiences with educational programs, and other dimensions of biomedical and health informatics. The poster sessions have been an increasingly vibrant and popular component of the symposium, offering direct access to the authors in a way not possible through podium presentations. Each accepted poster is displayed during one of the 90-minute poster sessions at the symposium. At least one author must be present at the poster session. Posters will not be indexed in MEDLINE.

Posters must reflect new work, and not reflect work that is in press or previously published elsewhere.

Your uploaded poster manuscript file must be submitted as a one-page (including all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements) document and include:

  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country, if international) of all authors;
  • A description of the problem addressed and specific purposes of the system, service, or project; or, in the case of original research, an overview of the methodology, evaluation results, and conclusions;
  • Optional illustrations (figures or tables), which must fit in the one-page limit;
  • References, if applicable.

All poster submissions must have a brief (50-75 words) abstract. The abstract paragraph does NOT have to be part of the document but must be entered on the submission website in the Abstract box on the online submission form. (Please DO NOT copy and paste the entire one-page document into that box).

Panel sessions are designed to present an integrated set of perspectives or experience on a current topic in clinical research informatics. Panel topics may be on a specific aspect of theory, application, policy, trends, or experience pertaining to any aspect of clinical research informatics, or may provide interdisciplinary viewpoints that cut across traditional themes.

Panel submissions and final presentations should demonstrate collective reflection and integration of the content presented by each of the panelists, or offer engaged forms of dialogue and interaction between panelists and audience. Scholarly debate among presenters is encouraged, as are panels that incorporate science, practice, and policy themes to improve the conduct of clinical and translational research.

Panels should be limited to four participants and a moderator, and should be timed to allow one-third to one-half of the session for audience participation. Panel sessions are 90-minutes. An individual may be the moderator of only one panel and may not participate on more than two panels total.

The uploaded panel manuscript file must not exceed a maximum of three pages (including all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements) and include:

  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country, if international) of the panel organizer and all participants;
  • An abstract of 125 -150 words, describing the panel and its learning objectives, which should also be entered into a text box at the beginning of the online form to be used in the online program;
  • A general description of the panel and the issue(s) that will be examined and a brief description of each panelist's presentation;
  • An explanation why the topic of this panel is timely, urgent, needed, or attention grabbing is required with a discussion of anticipated audience;
  • A list of discussion questions to enhance audience participation;
  • A statement from the panel organizer that all participants have agreed to take part on the panel.

Informatics debate provides conference participants with the opportunity to use debate as a platform for presenting the pros and cons of a biomedical informatics issue. Debates can cover a wide range of topics including ethical, technology, policy, research, or otherwise-focused debates with specific implications for health informatics.

Informatics debate should be limited to four participants and a moderator, and they should be timed to allow for audience participation, including pre- and post-debate assessment of agreement with the debate resolutions. A good debate often has two presenters who are presenting pros and two presenters presenting cons regarding a selected biomedical issue. There will be three 30-minute debates in a 90-minute session. To encourage a spread of participants in debates, each individual is limited to participating in up to one debate in total (either as a participant or primary organizer).

The uploaded debate manuscript file must not exceed a maximum of three pages (including all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements) and include:

  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country, if international) of the panel organizer and all participants;
  • An abstract of 150 words, describing the informatics debate and its learning objectives, which should also be entered into a text box at the beginning of the online form to be used in the online program;
  • A general description of the subject of the informatics debate;
  • Two or more short statements, each clearly descripting one of the positions that will be examined;
  • An explanation why the topic of this informatics debate is timely and relevant to the AMIA audience;
  • A description of how the audience will be engaged in the debate;
  • A description of the order in which presenter will describe the positions, indicating which presenter will present and support which position;
  • A statement from the moderator that all participants have agreed to take part in the debate.

Systems demonstrations illustrate one or more aspects of a leading-edge system that is in use, under development, or at a testing or prototype stage. Each demonstration is 30 minutes long, including any questions and discussion.

Your uploaded systems demonstration manuscript file must be submitted as a one-page (including all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements) document and must include:

  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country, if
  • An abstract of 50-75 words summarizing the proposal, which will also be entered into a text box at the beginning of the online form to be used in the online program;
  • A description of the specific purposes of the system, service, or project; the problems in health care practice, biomedicine, or research in informatics that it is designed to address; and the purpose or features of the system, service, or project that make it
  • A statement of the degree to which the system or service has been deployed, as of the date of submitting the proposal.

The abstract paragraph does NOT have to be part of the document but must be entered on the submission website in the Abstract box on the online submission form. (Please DO NOT copy and paste the entire one-page document into that box).

Tutorials should have no more than five presenters.

Tutorials are limited to three hours in length and should include a combination of didactic and interactive content delivery, as well as participant interaction. Such workshops should be designed to address the needs and interests of individuals at all levels of experience relative to the selected topic area(s) and be led by individuals with appropriate subject matter expertise. The SPC encourages proposals that will bring together individuals with similar or different roles in developing, implementing, or using informatics in practice, management, education, research, or policy. Further, the SPC seeks a balance between workshops that address essential core informatics theory and principles, with those that address practical applications, current issues, and emerging trends and developments in informatics, aligned with overall meeting themes.

Individuals submitting a Tutorial proposal are encouraged to coordinate their activities and submissions with one or more AMIA Working Groups (WGs) as a means of raising the profile of WGs and their constituents at the Annual Symposium. The SPC may ask individuals proposing thematically similar tutorials in an independent manner to integrate their submissions prior to acceptance. Tutorial presenters must be available to present on Saturday, November 15 or Sunday, November 16.

Tutorial proposals must not exceed a maximum of four pages in length and include the following information:

  • A descriptive title;
  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state/province, and country, if international) of all workshop faculty;
  • A summary of 250 to 300 words that describes the content of the tutorial;
  • An outline of topics to be covered and description of interactive components of the tutorial;
  • Specific educational objectives or outcomes that participants can expect to achieve;
  • A description of who should attend (e.g., clinicians, educators, leaders in healthcare or other organizations, researchers, policy makers, IT professionals);
  • A description of prerequisites knowledge that participant should have, if any
  • Indicate if the tutorial level is introductory, intermediate, or advance;
  • Experience of the tutorial instructors/leaders in in the targeted content areas;
  • If applicable, an indication of WG affiliations for the tutorial (including the names of the individuals within each WG providing a formal endorsement of the submission);
  • A list of conferences where this tutorial has been previously presented, including past AMIA meetings.

Collaborative Workshops should have no more than seven presenters.

Collaborative Workshops are limited to three hours in length, and are intended to encourage participation and collaboration using mechanisms such as discussion forums (e.g., shorter didactic presentations or panels followed by group discussions), research forums (e.g., presentations and discussions related to scientific advancements in a targeted areas of informatics innovation and practice), or a challenge/competition (e.g., individual or group submissions addressing a specific topic or scientific/technical challenge).

Workshop proposals must not exceed a maximum of four pages in length and include the following information:

  • A descriptive title;
  • The names, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state/province, and country, if international) of all workshop faculty;
  • A summary of 250 to 300 words that describes the content of the workshop;
  • An outline of topics to be covered and description of interactive components of the workshop;
  • Specific educational objectives or outcomes that participants can expect to achieve;
  • A description of who should attend (e.g., clinicians, educators, leaders in healthcare or other organizations, researchers, policy makers, IT professionals);
  • A description of prerequisites knowledge that participant should have, if any
  • Indicate if the workshop instructional level is introductory, intermediate, or advanced;
  • Experience of the workshop instructors/leaders in in the targeted content areas;
  • If applicable, an indication of WG affiliations for the workshop (including the names of the individuals within each WG providing a formal endorsement of the submission);
  • A list of conferences where this workshop has been previously presented, including past AMIA meetings.

Programmatic Themes

The AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium will be primarily organized around the six major areas of biomedical informatics, which reflect the spectrum of biomedical research and practice, from molecules to populations. Authors will be required to select one major thematic area of emphasis for their submission:

An opportunity for submissions demonstrating state-of-the-art approaches and best practices in education, research, training and workforce development. This thematic focus welcomes submissions related to the Linking Informatics and Education Academic Forum (LIEAF) program. Submissions include work addressing curricular and pedagogical challenges within academic informatics across a spectrum of education settings including high school, undergraduate, graduate level, postgraduate, and continuing professional education. The goal is to support the growth of programs, professionals, and the learners they educate by solving challenges and strengthening the academic informatics community.


Applications of informatics in the healthcare setting, to improve the processes and outcomes of healthcare for patients and populations. Findings related to the design, development, and implementation and maintenance of state-of-the-art clinical systems, including electronic health records, standards and interoperability, clinical decision support, and effects on clinical quality, safety, and patient outcomes, are considered to be part of this programmatic theme.

The use of informatics in the discovery and management of new knowledge relating to health and disease. It includes management of information related to clinical trials and also involves informatics related to secondary research use of clinical data. Clinical research informatics and translational bioinformatics are the primary domains related to informatics activities to support translational research.

Devoted to informatics focusing on multiple consumer or patient views. These include patient-focused informatics, health literacy and consumer education. The focus is on information structures and processes that empower consumers to manage their own health – for example health information literacy, consumer-friendly language, personal health records, mHealth, and Internet-based strategies and resources. The shift in this view of informatics analyzes consumers' needs for information; studies and implements methods for making information accessible to consumers; and models and integrates consumers' preferences into health information systems. Consumer informatics stands at the crossroads of other disciplines, such as nursing informatics, public health, health promotion, health education, library science, and communication science.

Applications of informatics in areas of public or population health, including surveillance, prevention, preparedness, and health promotion. The scope of public health is broad, focusing on the health of people and communities where they live, learn, work and play. Informatics applied to public health can therefore take many forms, including interoperable information systems to analyze data for biosurveillance, inform outbreak management in a community, provide immunization decision support, evaluate public health programs, model the spread of disease, and create understanding into the epidemiology of disease.


The development of storage, analytic, and interpretive methods to optimize the transformation of increasingly voluminous biomedical data, and genomic data, into proactive, predictive, preventive, and participatory health. Translational bioinformatics includes research on the development of novel techniques for the integration of biological and clinical data and the evolution of clinical informatics methodology to encompass biological observations. The end product of translational bioinformatics is newly found knowledge from these integrative efforts that can be disseminated to a variety of stakeholders, including biomedical scientists, clinicians, and patients.

Scope and Breadth of the Annual Symposium

Thoughtful classification of your submission helps to ensure that each submission is reviewed by people knowledgeable about its content. In addition, it helps greatly in structuring the meeting sessions, allowing better grouping of papers and presentations by area of interest. We recognize that no classification system is perfect and ask you to use your best judgment in making the determination for which themes and keywords best reflect your submission’s content.


The field of research and practice in biomedical informatics is as broad as the field of biomedicine and health care. Therefore, to facilitate the overall review process as well as support clustering of accepted submissions into meaningful sets, authors will be required to provide at least one, and up to three, keywords from the list below and up to five additional keywords that they feel best characterizes their work.

  • Administrative Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bioinformatics
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Causal Inference
  • Chronic Care Management
  • Clinical Decision Support
  • Clinical Guidelines
  • Change Management
  • Computational Biology
  • Controlled Terminologies, Ontologies, and Vocabularies
  • Critical Care
  • Curriculum Development
  • Data Mining
  • Data Modernization
  • Data Sharing
  • Data Standards
  • Data transformation/ETL
  • Deep Learning
  • Delivering Health Information and Knowledge to the Public
  • Diagnostic Systems
  • Disability, Accessibility, and Human Function
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
  • Documentation Burden
  • Drug Discoveries, Repurposing, and Side-effect
  • Education and Training
  • Environmental Health and Climate Informatics
  • Evaluation
  • Fairness and elimination of bias
  • Geospatial (GIS) Data/Analysis
  • Global Health
  • Governance
  • Health Equity
  • Healthcare Economics/Cost of Care
  • Healthcare Quality
  • Human-computer Interaction
  • Imaging Informatics
  • Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology
  • Informatics Implementation
  • Information Retrieval
  • Information Extraction
  • Information Visualization
  • Interoperability and Health Information Exchange
  • Knowledge Representation and Information Modeling
  • Laboratory Systems and Reporting
  • Legal, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Issues
  • Machine Learning
  • Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • Mobile Health
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Nursing Informatics
  • Omics (genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, etc.) and Integrative Analyses
  • Patient / Person Generated Health Data (Patient Reported Outcomes)
  • Patient Engagement and Preferences
  • Patient Safety
  • Pediatrics
  • Personal Health Informatics
  • Phenomics and Phenome-wide Association Studies
  • Policy
  • Population Health
  • Precision Medicine
  • Privacy and Security
  • Public Health
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Racial disparities
  • Real-World Evidence Generation
  • Social Media and Connected Health
  • Standards
  • Surveys and Needs Analysis
  • Surgery
  • Systems Biology
  • Teaching Innovation
  • Telemedicine
  • Transitions of Care
  • Usability
  • User-centered Design Methods
  • Workflow
  • Workforce Development


The AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium submissions will be categorized as either:

  1. foundational contributions to informatics methods ("Foundations");
  2. reports on the application of informatics in the context of clinical or public health ("Applications");
  3. discussions of policy topics influenced or impacted by informatics ("Policy").

Reflecting the often cross-cutting implications of informatics innovations, submissions may be categorized into multiple tracks simultaneously.

From the time that authors begin to prepare their papers, abstracts, or proposals, they should consider whether their principal results and insights would more aptly be presented as a foundational, applied, policy, or some combination therein.

Authors are in the best position to make a final decision about track at the time they wish to classify their contribution. Note that all track assignments by authors will be reviewed by the SPC and subject to reclassification in selected cases.


The Foundations track focuses on the conceptual and methodological advances that underpin the spectrum of biomedical informatics innovation. Contributions in this track should include work that presents progress in the generating, structuring, processing, managing, visualizing, and analysis of biomedical and health information. Overall priority areas include the description and demonstration of methodologies that show promise in advancing the understanding and support of research and education in biological, clinical, and public health contexts.


The Applications track focuses on innovations in the design, technology, implementation, use, and evaluation of information systems and knowledge resources across the full spectrum of health systems - including acute, ambulatory, long-term/post-acute, and chronic care settings, public health departments, libraries, educational centers, and homes. Contributions to this track should emphasize applications that work in the real world to solve problems that impact or characterize health and well-being.


The Policy track focuses on informatics-relevant policies, policy recommendations, and policy evaluations, as well as the dependencies between informatics innovations and informatics policy. Priority will be given to those submissions that discuss informatics topics that may have either been influenced by policy decisions (e.g., Promoting Interoperability, TEFCA, HTI-2) or that may impact policy (e.g., 21st Century Cures Act, Data Modernization). Contributions in this track should clearly identify policy implications and the role played by innovative informatics methodology and/or implementation.

Learning Objectives

Each submission at the AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium, regardless of the type, will require at minimum one learning objective as part of the submission.

As an accredited provider, AMIA must design all activities to inspire and enable change in the learner’s everyday practice.

  • AMIA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education to physicians.
  • AMIA is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

Resulting change may be a difference in knowledge and competence, performance, or patient outcomes. Educational design in this environment includes creating outcomes-based learning objectives. A good learning objective will define the desired outcome of your presentation by completing the sentence "After participating in my session the learner will be able to…"

Writing an Appropriate Learning Objective

  1. Define what you want the learner to be able to do, or do better, after participating in your session. Be specific! Avoid words like "understand," "recognize," or "learn." Instead use words that denote action by the learner, like "implement,", "apply," "create," or "measure."
  2. Perform a needs assessment. What new knowledge strategy, or skill will you provide so the learner can successfully incorporate change to their daily practice? Another way to think about this is to ask what the current standard practice is, compared to what it should be. Your presentation will provide the skills or strategies to make the change to best practice by the learner.
  3. The learning objective you write to address these two questions will pique the learner’s interest in attending your session.

After participating in this session, the learner should be better able to:

  • Understand the current issues in drug-allergy alerting systems, including high alert rate and low alert sensitivity, and be able to discuss and recommend several approaches to reducing drug-allergy alert burden in the electronic health records systems.
  • Learn challenges and possible solutions in creating and maintaining data elements for electronic health record systems across different clinical settings.
  • Learn the quality of clinical documents generated by speech recognition technology and understand errors in dictated clinical documents at different processing stages and their potential impact in patient care.
  • Formulate an approach to adoption of health information technology for the small physician group practice. (From the AMA)

After participating in this session, the learner should be better able to:

  • Define the healthcare protocol for the treatment and prevention of Stage III and IV pressure ulcers and apply to your own practice.
    • Too many verbs. An improved learning objective would be (From the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care):
    • “1) Define the healthcare protocol for the treatment of Stage III and IV pressure ulcers;  2) Define the healthcare protocol for the prevention of Stage III and IV pressure ulcers; and 3) Apply this knowledge to their own practice.”
  • Explain and discuss current initiatives and effective modalities to prevent incidence of complications such as infection or wrong-sided block.
    • This is a teaching objective. A learning objective on the same topic would be (From Winthrop University Hospital):
    • “Prevent incidence of complications such as infection or wrong-sided block using current initiatives and effective modalities.”
  • Become familiar with common eye problems.
    • The outcome is not measurable, there is no action the learner can take, and there is no context regarding the patient’s condition. Better learning objective (From the AAFP):
    • “Screen for eye conditions commonly associated with type 2 diabetes.”

Industry Submissions

Industry-authored and industry-client collaborative papers, abstracts, panels, demonstrations, and posters are welcome for submission as described above. No special submission designation is required. All industry submissions will be considered according to the standard review process. Industry submissions should not market and promote a specific product or company.

File Format Requirements

Your uploaded PDF file must be in compliance with the requirements listed under each Category of Submission. Papers, podium abstracts, panels, posters, and systems demonstrations will appear in the AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium Proceedings. Adherence to the following requirements throughout all categories of submission ensures a consistency that facilitates the review process and proceedings.

Download the appropriate sample template [Word]:

Please note: Submissions that do not meet the formatting requirements may be rejected without review.

Submission Format

  • A PDF file.
  • A single column formatted document.
  • Adherent with the page length restrictions stated in the category descriptions. Please note that the page limit includes all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements.
  • Formatted for U.S. Letter (8.5 x 11 inch) paper size with one-inch margins left, right, top, and bottom.
  • And, the text within the Submission is formatted as follows:
  • Title is 14-point bold, centered, title case (using initial capitals for each word in the title other than articles and prepositions);
  • Below the title, are the names, credentials, institutions and locations of the author(s) or panelists, exactly as they are to appear in the online and print programs and the Proceedings, using 12-point Times New Roman typeface, single column, bold, centered, upper and lower case using appropriate capitals;
  • The main text of the submission is single-spaced in 10-point Times New Roman typeface, justified, one-column format;
  • Individual pages are not numbered;
  • All caps, bold, italics, or underline are only used for emphasis;
  • No track changes from word processing software.
  • The format of credentials and other author information appearing in the online and printed materials is subject to revision by the AMIA office. It is the responsibility of the submitting author of each proposal to provide full and accurate information about all authors named.

Submission Data Accuracy

All information in the conference website, online program, pocket guide, the mobile event app, and the Proceedings table of contents including but not limited to presentation title, author names, author affiliations, and the order in which the authors are listed is sourced directly from the online form authors fill out at the point of submission. Submitting authors are responsible for submitting full and accurate information exactly as you would like it to appear. Co-authors who reach out to AMIA staff about programmatic inaccuracies will be redirected to the submitting author to update/correct information in the submission system.

Reference Format

References must be included in the PDF document. Links to web pages will not be accepted. Bibliography and references must follow the Vancouver Style. Cite all references in the text, tables, or figure legends, using the following reference format: in the text, use eight-point superscript to indicate reference numbers; ten-point numbers in square brackets is an acceptable, although not preferred, alternative.

Under a centered heading "References" at the end of the submission, provide a list of references cited, in order of occurrence in the manuscript, and with titles using initial capital only. References must fit within the allotted page(s) for the respective submission categories. List all authors of any cited work when there are six or fewer authors; for more than six, list only the first three followed by "et al."

Title Sponsor

Submission Template

Please note: Your submission must adhere to the requirements in the submission template. Submissions which do not follow the template will be rejected without review.

View the templates