AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium High School Scholars
The AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium will include a dedicated presentation session, educational activities, and networking events for high school students and high school teachers participating in educational and research partnerships with biomedical informatics researchers across the U.S. High school students who have participated in educational or research activities at biomedical informatics programs are invited to submit presentations and abstracts for consideration in the High School Scholars Program and Competition.
Each High School Scholars Competition entry will be judged on the high school student’s specific contributions to the project, which must be clearly delineated both in the presentation and in the abstract.
Only individual high school students, not groups of high school students, may submit papers for consideration in the High School Scholars Competition. Preparation of the presentation and abstract must primarily be the work of the high school student. Co-authorship with the high school student’s research mentor is required; additional co-authors may be included if appropriate, but the majority of the content should be the work of the first author (who must be the high school student).
Submission Guidelines
Students interested in submitting their work should prepare the following materials:
1. PowerPoint presentation that covers the student’s research project
Presentations should be no more than 10 minutes in length and a maximum of 12 slides.
- The first slide should include the title of the presentation, the name of the high school student and the name of their high school, the research mentor, the research mentor’s affiliation, and any additional co-authors along with affiliations.
- Up to a maximum of 10 slides that cover the background, methodology, results, conclusion, and discussion points about the student’s research project.
- The final slide should include an acknowledgement of any funding sources that supported the student’s work and any other acknowledgments.
2. An extended abstract submission
Must include:
- A one-page formatted manuscript that follows the AMIA HSSP template and includes:
- The name, high school, and locations (city, state, and country, if international) for the high school student.
- The name, academic degree(s), affiliations, and locations (city, state, and country, if international) of all authors.
- A structured manuscript that includes the following sections:
- Abstract – A 50-75 word synopsis of the study. (This abstract should be the same as what will be entered into the submission system);
- Introduction – A short background and objective(s) of the study;
- Methods – Design, setting (if appropriate), patients or participants (if appropriate), interventions (if appropriate), and main outcome measurement;
- Results – Key findings; and,
- Discussion – Key conclusions with direct reference to foundational or methodological advancement or biomedical application.
- One additional optional page may be included as part of the formatted manuscript for figures, tables, and/or references.
3. Informational document
Must include:
- The name and contact information for the Principal (or other administrative leader) at the student’s high school;
- The name and contact information for the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s); and,
- A statement that indicates that the student has received permission from an appropriate high school official to attend the AMIA 2024 Annual Symposium from November 10 through November 12, if selected.
4. Supporting letter from the research mentor
Must include:
- Confirmation that the high school student significantly contributed to the work and development of the submission; and
- Confirmation that the high school student is the primary author of the submitted materials (abstract and PowerPoint presentation).
Availability of funds from research mentor to support travel will not impact the selection process, which is entirely based on scientific merit.
By submitting to the High School Scholars Competition, students agree to participate in the AMIA 2025 Annual Symposium. The selected high school students will be expected to participate in the Symposium beginning Sunday, November 16, through Tuesday afternoon, November 18, 2025. Attendance for the full period of time is required if selected. All submissions will be peer reviewed by a subset of the AMIA 2025 Scientific Program Committee and additional experts in the field. Decisions will be returned to the students in October 2025.
Selected submissions will be subject to verification of high school student status; Eligibility is limited to those who, as of September 1, 2025, are high school students.