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AMIA is excited to announce the launch of a new policy initiative – Friends of ASTP. This is a voluntary coalition of organizations that will support The Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP). The Friends of ASTP will advocate on behalf of the agency to Congress.

ASTP develops and oversees the implementation of HHS’ data, technology, interoperability, and artificial intelligence strategies and policies.

Learn more about ASTP

Join the Friends of ASTP

If your association, university, or corporation would like to join the Friends of ASTP, please take less than a minute to fill out the following form.

Join the Friends of ASTP

You may also contact our policy team ([email protected]) for more information.

Why should your organization join Friends of ASTP?

  • This is an accessible way to advocate for advancing support of science, clinicians, and patients on a national level.
  • Create new and foster existing relationships with likeminded organizations.
  • Create strength in numbers to support an agency dedicated to building an interoperable, private, and secure nationwide health information system and supporting the widespread, meaningful use of health information technology.   
  • Advocating together makes our voices stronger.
  • Create a relationship with ASTP and the Department of Health and Human Services
  • There is no cost to join. Join today!'

Friends of ASTP Materials