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Take Action

Find your elected representatives on Capitol Hill and urge them to support ASTP and NLM to support informatics initiatives and research.

Talking Points

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Find your Senator

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Find your Representative

Tips to Engage Your Elected Representatives

Engage Your Member via Email

  • Introduce yourself and explain that you are a constituent of their district/state.
  • When crafting a message, think about why you are looking to engage with them. What is your “ask”?
    • This could be a request to support funding for a key agency or program, vote for or against an upcoming piece of legislation or amendment, or engage the Administration to encourage or oppose an executive action.
    • If AMIA has talking points on the issue you’re interested in discussing, please use them as a reference.
  • Include specific information, anecdotes, and stories. Personal and local stories are best – how do these policies or funding impact you, your community, or your patient population? Why is this issue important to you?
  • Offer to provide further information if needed on the topic.
  • Keep it short – just a paragraph or two is usually all you need to get your point across.

Engage Your Member via a Phone Call with Staff

  • Thank them for taking the time to speak with you and be courteous.
  • Introduce yourself and explain that you are a constituent of their district/state.
  • Explain why you are meeting and be clear about what issue you are advocating for or concern you have.
    • This could be a request to support funding for a key agency or program, vote for or against an upcoming piece of legislation or amendment, or express your appreciation or concern with an executive or congressional action.
    • If AMIA has talking points on the issue you’re interested in discussing, please use them as a reference.
  • Specific information, anecdotes, and stories are useful for policymakers in these discussions, but be brief. Most calls are expected to last just a minute or two, and staffers are mainly taking tallies of how many people are calling in support or opposition on an issue. Personal and local stories are best – how do these policies or funding impact you? Why is this issue important to you?
  • Offer to provide further information if needed on the topic.
  • Thank them for their time.
  • If you go to voicemail, remember to be polite and leave a message.
  • Avoid prolonging the meeting beyond its natural conclusion, using jargon, or arguing with the staffer.

Contact Us

Further questions? Reach out to the AMIA Policy Team at