AMIA provides a series of awards each year for the best in submitted research and include AMIA's annual meeting awards, distinguished paper and poster awards.
Annual Symposium
AMIA Student Paper Award Winners
Student papers are selected by the Scientific Program Committee and forwarded to the Student Paper Advisory Committee (SPAC) which nominates eight finalist papers for presentation during the meeting.
Distinguished Paper Awards
From a slate of candidate papers recommended by the Annual Symposium Scientific Program Committee, the Awards Committee recognizes up to five notable and distinguished papers from the Annual Symposium. Distinguished papers are awarded at Annual Symposium but contain no ordinal designation.
Distinguished Poster Awards
Distinguished posters are selected from a slate of candidate posters recommended by the Annual Symposium Poster Committee and the Awards Committee during the poster sessions at the AMIA Annual Symposium.
Homer R. Warner Award
The Homer R. Warner Award is awarded for the AMIA Annual Symposium paper that best describes approaches to improving computerized information acquisition, knowledge data acquisition and management, and experimental results documenting the value of these approaches.
Informatics Summit
AMIA Student Paper Award Winners
Student papers are selected by the Scientific Program Committee and forwarded to the Student Paper Advisory Committee (SPAC) which nominates eight finalist papers for presentation during the meeting.
Clinical Research Informatics Distinguished Paper Award
The AMIA Clinical Research Informatics Distinguished Paper Award is given on an annual basis to the paper determined to be most meritorious out of all papers submitted to the CRI Summit. The ability to recognize exemplary CRI scholarship provides both an incentive for individuals working in the CRI domain to submit their best work to AMIA meetings, to become active AMIA members by engaging in other AMIA CRI-related activities. In addition, this award provides a mechanism of enhancing the ability of the association to recognize thought leaders in the CRI domain.
Data Science Distinguished Paper Award
Informatics Implementation Distinguished Paper Award
Marco Ramoni Distinguished Paper Award for Translational Bioinformatics
The Marco Ramoni Distinguished Paper Award for Translational Bioinformatics is presented annually at the AMIA Informatics Summit to a first author of the paper at the meeting that best exemplifies the spirit and scholarship of Marco Ramoni in applying informatics methods to the elucidation of basic molecular biology processes that are relevant to the conquest of human disease.