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Clinical Decision Support Working Group Chat - July 2021

Dr. John Horn and Dr. David Bates discussed an evaluation of Seegnal, a company that has developed novel medication-related decision tool support which can be implemented within any electronic health record. They also presented the results of an evaluation study that resulted in 93% fewer medication alerts than the native system that was in place. Watch the Recording Hosts

Digital Life Data in the Clinical Whitespace

Glen Coppersmith discussed a case study around suicide risk prevention and highlighted the possible utility of looking outside the healthcare system for additional information. He looked into a few interesting findings from his own market research, which included a few unexpected results.

Information Synthesis in the Era of GPT-4

Information retrieval (IR) has been a dominant force in the last 20 years of computing. Even within the domain of natural language processing (NLP), tasks such as summarization and question answering have come a long way based on IR-like approaches designed to surface information that already exists.