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  1. How observational data can be used to generate new evidence and facilitate decision-making
  2. Challenges one may face when implementing such a service

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Anna Ostropolets
PhD Candidate
Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University

Anna Ostropolets is a PhD candidate at the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University advised by George Hripcsak. Her work centers on developing methods for leveraging observational data to generate new clinical evidence in large distributed networks and applying those methods to real-world clinical problems. Her research interests include phenotype algorithms, clinical ontologies, and clinical decision support system.

Ostropolets' work has been published in clinical informatics (JBI, JAMIA, JMIR Medical Informatics, Healthcare Informatics Research), and medical journals (Circulation, BMJ, Lancet Rheumatology, Rheumatology, Lancet Digital Health). Prior to joining Columbia University, she received her MD from Kharkiv National Medical University and worked as a Knowledge Engineer contributing to ontology development for the OHDSI OMOP Standardized Vocabularies.