CPOE: sufficient, but not perfect, evidence for taking action.
Author(s): Brennan, Patricia Flatley
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.m2303
Author(s): Brennan, Patricia Flatley
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.m2303
To evaluate the data quality of ventilator settings recorded by respiratory therapists using a computer charting application and assess the impact of incorrect data on computerized ventilator management protocols. DESIGN An analysis of 29,054 charting events gathered over 12 months from 678 ventilated patients (1,736 ventilator days) in four intensive care units at a tertiary care hospital.
Author(s): Vawdrey, David K, Gardner, Reed M, Evans, R Scott, Orme, James F, Clemmer, Terry P, Greenway, Loren, Drews, Frank A
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2219
The full impact of IT in health care has not been realized because of the failure to recognize that (1) the path from availability of applications to the anticipated benefits passes through a series of steps; and (2) progress can be stopped at any one of those steps. As a result, strategies for diffusion, adoption, and use have been incomplete and have produced disappointing results. In this paper, we present [...]
Author(s): Davidson, Stephen M, Heineke, Janelle
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2254
Concerned about evidence-based health informatics, the authors conducted a limited pilot survey attempting to determine how many IT evaluation studies in health care are never published, and why. A survey distributed to 722 academics had a low response rate, with 136 respondents giving instructive comments on 217 evaluation studies. Of those studies, half were published in international journals, and more than one-third were never published. Reasons for not publishing (with [...]
Author(s): Ammenwerth, Elske, de Keizer, Nicolette
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2276
This paper describes NeuroExtract, a pilot system which facilitates the integrated retrieval of Internet-based information relevant to the neurosciences. The approach involved extracting descriptive metadata from the sources using domain-specific queries; retrieving, processing, and organizing the data into structured text files; searching the data files using text-based queries; and, providing the results in a Web page along with descriptions to entries and URL links to the original sources. NeuroExtract has [...]
Author(s): Crasto, Chiquito J, Masiar, Peter, Miller, Perry L
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2321
This case study describes and analyzes a breach of the confidentiality and integrity of personally identified health information (e.g. appointment details, answers to patients' questions, medical advice) for over 800 Kaiser Permanente (KP) members through KP Online, a web-enabled health care portal. The authors obtained and analyzed multiple types of qualitative data about this incident including interviews with KP staff, incident reports, root cause analyses, and media reports. Reasons at [...]
Author(s): Collmann, Jeff, Cooper, Ted
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2195
The UMLS constitutes the largest existing collection of medical terms. However, little has been published about the users and uses of the UMLS. This study sheds light on these issues.
Author(s): Chen, Yan, Perl, Yehoshua, Geller, James, Cimino, James J
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2202
Determine effects of computer-based tutoring on diagnostic performance gains, meta-cognition, and acceptance using two different problem representations. Describe impact of tutoring on spectrum of diagnostic skills required for task performance. Identify key features of student-tutor interaction contributing to learning gains.
Author(s): Crowley, Rebecca S, Legowski, Elizabeth, Medvedeva, Olga, Tseytlin, Eugene, Roh, Ellen, Jukic, Drazen
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2241
To understand information systems components important in supporting team-based care of chronic illness through a literature search.
Author(s): Dorr, David, Bonner, Laura M, Cohen, Amy N, Shoai, Rebecca S, Perrin, Ruth, Chaney, Edmund, Young, Alexander S
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2255