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Leveraging Electronic Health Record Data and Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer (PC) is ranked as the 11th most common cancer in the world with 458,918 new cases in 2018. It is projected to be the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the United States by 2030. Most of the mortality is attributed to advanced stage at diagnosis, and hence, only a minority of patients (15-20%) are eligible for surgical resection.


AMIA Mid-Year Policy Update (2024)

Join AMIA’s Policy staff for a presentation and discussion on policy tactics and ideas to advance Informatics in 2024. In Fall 2023, AMIA approved the four Public Policy North Stars to guide AMIA’s policy pursuits through 2029. A lot has been accomplished in the first six months since implementation, including AMIA’s first virtual Hill Day, and there are exciting things to come.


Implementation of Custom Prediction Models in the EHR - A Case Study on Postpartum Depression

This study describes the deployment process of an AI-driven clinical decision support (CDS) system to support postpartum depression (PPD) prevention, diagnosis and management. Central to this CDS is a predictive model trained on electronic health record (EHR) data at an academic medical center, and subsequently refined through a broader dataset from a consortium to ensure its generalizability and fairness.


Translational Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Learning Health System (LHS) Systems

Learning health system (LHS) aims to leverage technology, data analytics, and evidence-based practices to create a feedback loop that continuously informs healthcare delivery, policy, and practice. It requires a multidisciplinary approach to interpret patterns observed in real-world data with the associated context.


AMIA 10x10 with University of Utah (Course begins)

The online course was designed following active learning principles. It teaches state-of-the-art principles and practices to enable effective CDS. Topics include a review of the various types of CDS tools; principles of CDS governance and knowledge management; CDS technical architectures, standards (e.g., FHIR, SMART, CDS Hooks, Infobutton), and tools (OpenInfobutton, OpenCDS); and CDS implementation and evaluation.


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