ACIF 'Go Live' - #S1E5: Sabbatical
ACIF 'Go Live' - #S1E4: This Dentist in Silicon Valley
ACIF 'Go Live' - #S1E3: Shazam for Heart Sounds
Statement from AMIA regarding the President’s FY 2018 Budget Blueprint
President Trump released his FY 2018 Budget Blueprint March 17, 2017, beginning a conversation with Congress on how to fund federal policies and programs. This budget outlines, at a high level, which policies and programs this Administration prioritizes, and it describes the kind of country this Administration wants to lead. […]
ACIF 'Go Live' - #S1E2: Click, Click, Click
ACIF 'Go Live' - #S1E1: The Source of Truth
AMIA Response to NLM Strategic Plan
In comments submitted to the National Library of Medicine, AMIA said members envision a future where NLM leads the medical and research enterprise in demonstrating how real-world and “big” health data can be leveraged to develop new concepts of human disease, design novel therapies, and train future clinicians and researchers.
AMIA Response to CDC RFI on Clinical Decision Support
In comments submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, AMIA recommended CDC pursue activities with the notion of CDS-as-a-Service as the conceptual goal. CDC must ensure that a coordinated strategy presents stakeholders with a unified vision for how public health CDS can be leveraged, AMIA said.
AMIA Response to PCORI Data Sharing Plan
In comments submitted to PCORI, AMIA voiced strong support for its draft Data Sharing Policy for awardees. AMIA recommended that suggested that PCORI consider requiring a preliminary data sharing plan as part of award applications, and earmarking specified amounts of grant funding for data preparation and curation, among other recommendations.