The Washington Download - Vol. 8 Issue 8

AMIA appreciates ONC’s efforts to solicit feedback on data collection for future iterations of USCDI. Overall, AMIA encourages ONC to ensure that USCDI will decrease burden with common elements for interoperable exchange. Increasing burden on clinical workflow will be a detriment to all stakeholders. We believe the lack of clear […]
AMIA appreciates the efforts of the Working Group and the Office of the Chief Statistician to improve the quality and usefulness of federal race and ethnicity data. The current (1997) race and ethnicity standards should be revised to capture data that reflect the diversity of the U.S. population more accurately […]
AMIA commends the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for its effort to address administrative simplification through proposing standards for health care attachments transactions and electronic signatures. In theory, standards should be an important step to reduce provider burden if the standards are current and enable a practical application […]
AMIA commends CMS for taking steps to address the workflow burden of prior authorization and the significant barriers and delays that it imposes on medical practice. Most importantly, prior authorization impedes timely patient access to needed care and in some cases, results in denial of appropriate care altogether. We believe […]