Informatics brings together large data sets, which provides enormous opportunities to improve people’s health. For Michael F. Chiang, MD, MA, professor of Ophthalmology and Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology at OHSU, informatics allows him to gather large data sets in ophthalmology through patients’ electronic health records to be a part [...]
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Showing 111 - 120 out of 7848
Why Informatics: No Geographic Boundaries for Children’s Health
Informatics is helping children with congenital heart disease and diabetes receive easier access to medical care through the comfort of their homes. For Natalie Pageler, MD, chief medical information officer at Stanford Children’s Health, informatics is critical to successfully integrating data into electronic health records. Pageler’s team developed an app [...]
Why Informatics: Taking (Digital) Action Against Cancer
Informatics allows pathologists to utilize big data from digital imaging, while continuously managing the system’s workflow. For Joel Saltz, MD, PhD, FACMI, chair of biomedical informatics at Stony Brook Medicine, informatics is critical to successfully develop methods of using technology to enhance cancer treatments. Saltz’s team was tasked with developing [...]
Using the ACT Network to Gain Insight into COVID-19
As part of AMIA's ongoing COVID-19 Webinar Series, we take another look at how the Clinical Research Informatics community is contributing to better understanding the clinical nature of the coronavirus. Members of the Accrual to Clinical Trials (ACT) network will present an overview of the existing network, which is funded [...]
eCR Now: A Webinar Describing Efforts to Scale eCase Reporting Nationwide
Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) is the automated generation and transmission of case reports from electronic health records (EHRs) to public health agency surveillance systems. The value of eCR is several fold, including more complete, accurate data in near real-time for case management, contact tracing, situational awareness and reporting, connecting with [...]
Rapid Response: A Special Emphasis Webinar on Telehealth During COVID-19
In this Special Emphasis Webinar of AMIA’s COVID-19 Webinar Series, we will hear from AMIA members and collaborators on how the COVID-19 pandemic has created new opportunities for telehealth to become a central component of care across inpatient and ambulatory settings. Presenters will discuss how: Indiana University Health initiated rapid [...]
Maximizing Health IT, Modeling, Tracking, Tracing, and Other Public Health Tools during the COVID-19 Outbreak
As part of AMIA's ongoing COVID-19 Webinar Series exploring the role informatics experts are playing in the fight against the global pandemic, this session will discuss the use of informatics by public health agencies to assist in determining where best to allocate resources to maximize health efficiency and efficacy. Public [...]