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AMIA’s goal is to improve the legislative and regulatory environment for health informatics research, practice and education through AMIA member expertise.  The primary pathway through which AMIA achieves this goal is by engaging Federal Agencies and Congress on public calls for input, such as Notices of Proposed Rulemakings (NPRMs) or Request for Information (RFIs).

Learn more about the comment process

AMIA responses are arranged by Federal Agency and Congressional Committee.

Showing 101 - 110 out of 204

AMIA Submits Comments to ONC on 2018 ISA

November 28, 2017

In comments submitted to Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) called on the federal government to update and enhance the Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap. The nation’s experts in health informatics also urged ONC to support a more robust, modern testing infrastructure […]

AMIA Comments on CMS Innovation Center RFI

November 21, 2017

In response to a CMS Innovation Center request for information (RFI) on its potential new direction, AMIA offered several suggestions focusing on the interdependency of payment and delivery reforms, supported by health IT and health informatics. AMIA suggested additional guiding principles with which to approach new Innovation Center model design […]

AMIA Comments on NLM Data Science RFI

November 2, 2017

In response to a request for information (RFI) from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), AMIA detailed numerous key challenges and opportunities for data science in health and biomedicine. AMIA further provided policy and research ideas in support of the NLM fulfilling a 2015 Advisory Committee recommendation to become the […]

AMIA Supports VA Telehealth Expansion Proposal

November 2, 2017

AMIA provided comments to a VA proposed rule that would allow its providers to furnish telehealth services, regardless of the state or location where they or the beneficiary is physically located. AMIA supported the proposal, while emphasizing that any telehealth applications use nationally recognized health IT standards and enable use […]

AMIA Comments on CY Physician Fee Schedule NPRM

September 11, 2017

Today, AMIA responded to a CMS Proposed Rule on the CY 2018 Physician Fee Schedule. AMIA supported many of the proposals, including a proposal to begin the Appropriate Use Criteria Program in 2019 and proposed changes to E/M documentation guidelines.

AMIA Supports ONC Efforts to Develop Trusted Exchange Framework

August 24, 2017

In comments submitted August 24, AMIA submitted comments to ONC regarding the development of a Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement as required by the 21st Century Cures Act. AMIA recommended ONC look to use the Framework to provide a floor upon which existing networks – and new networks – […]

AMIA Supports Year 2 Quality Payment Program Proposals

August 21, 2017

Today, AMIA responded to a CMS Proposed Rule on Year 2 of the Quality Payment Program. AMIA supported many of the new flexibilities offer to eligible clinicians to participate in MIPS or advanced alternative payment models. The organization also urged CMS to require 2015 Edition CEHRT beginning in 2019.

AMIA Supports ONC Draft Framework to Measure Use of Interoperability Standards

July 25, 2017

AMIA submitted comments supporting ONC’s draft framework, recommending a measurement approach that focuses on the clinician and patient experience. AMIA also underscored the need to have the benefits of measurement outweigh the costs, and urged federal officials to provide sufficient support to develop and implement automated measurement solutions.

AMIA Supports Federal Health IT Research & Development Framework

July 12, 2017

In comments submitted to the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program, the nation’s leading biomedical and health informaticians applauded federal officials for developing a draft strategic framework for health IT research and development (R&D). AMIA provided a series of recommendations highlighting the need for R&D related to […]

AMIA Applauds Flexibilities, Supports 2015 CEHRT Timeline in IPPS Proposed Rule

June 13, 2017

In comments to CMS, AMIA supported proposals to reduce the number of required quality measures and new proposed reporting period flexibilities, while also recommending additional such flexibilities for the 2018 Hospital IQR Program and the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. AMIA additionally agreed with the proposed rule’s analysis that […]