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Public Biography
Dr. Tiase, a nurse informaticist, is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Nursing at the University of Utah. Her expertise ranges from leading EHR implementations, integrating patient-generated health data, to mentoring digital health startups. Dr. Tiase serves on the boards of the Alliance for Nursing Informatics, AMIA, and Friends of NINR. She was appointed as the informatics expert to the National Academy of Medicine’s Future of Nursing 2030 Committee to envision the nurse’s role in using technology to tackle disparities, promote health equity, and create healthier communities. Her current research involves the computational modeling of nursing workload to improve the systems, structures, and policies that support a diverse nursing workforce.


Fellows of AMIA (FAMIA)

FAMIA stands for “Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association” and it recognizes the contributions and professional accomplishments of AMIA members who apply informatics skills and knowledge to their practice – be that in a clinical setting, a public or population health capacity, or as a clinical researcher.

Year Inducted
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AMIA Certified Health Informatics Professional (ACHIP) Diplomates

AMIA Certified Health Informatics Professional (ACHIP)

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Working Group Steering Committee

Board Liaison

The Working Group Steering Committee identifies trends and interests in biomedical and health informatics and oversees the Working Groups who exist to address the interests of AMIA’s members.

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Membership and Outreach Committee

Board Liaison

The Membership and Outreach Committee’s primary function is to ensure the effective and appropriate involvement of AMIA members in the organization by monitoring membership communication, structures, benefits, and services including publications.

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