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Public Biography
Dr. Gabriela Mustata Wilson is an internationally recognized health informatics expert passionate about harnessing the power of research and translating it into community action. She was a Professor and Founding Co-Director of the Multi-Interprofessional Center for Health Informatics (MICHI) at the University of Texas at Arlington in Texas, USA. She was also the Director of the MICHI’s Health and Public Health Informatics division. She was recently selected to lead the Louisiana Center for Health Innovation Center as its director. She is also a professor in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. She holds the Dr. J. Robert Rivet Endowed Chair and the Acadian Ambulance Service/BORSF Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Health Informatics. With a background in chemical engineering, pharmacoinformatics, health informatics and public health informatics, Dr. Mustata Wilson bridges the knowledge-to-action gap related to integrating public and ecological health to foster resilience. For the past twenty years, she has educated and trained learners in various interprofessional settings, conducted research in industry and academia, and led partnerships across industry, academic institutions, and the regional and international community. Dr. Mustata Wilson has demonstrated her active support to the Health Informatics community by serving in numerous leadership positions within the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA®). She is currently the co-chair of the HIMSS Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) International Initiative, a global initiative fostering community development and workforce development using an interprofessional approach, and the chair-elect of the AMIA Parmacoinformatics Workgroup. Dr. Mustata Wilson is a Fellow Member of HIMSS bestowed in recognition of service, professional participation, job experience, publications, and presentations and Fellow of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics (FIAHSI) in recognition of international leadership in biomedical and health informatics, promoting the dissemination of knowledge and best practices, fostering new ideas, and encouraging worldwide collaboration and sharing of expertise and resources. She is also a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), a distinction given to individuals who demonstrate a high degree of innovation through US patents that have impacted society’s welfare. Her most recent activities are focused on addressing racial injustice and health inequity by advancing a community partnership model of outreach to Latino populations that empowers communities through participatory discussion. As a result of her leadership and collaborative efforts, the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU) named The University of Texas at Arlington as its inaugural Racial Justice and Equity Program Award Winner in 2021.


Working Group

Chair 2022-2023

The PI Working group is comprised of AMIA members who are interested in the intersection of informatics, technology and medication management. It is our intention to initiate innovation and patient safety at the nexus of informatics, technology, and medication management for efficient, beneficial patient health care.

Learn more about this group