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Public Biography
Danny T.Y. Wu joined the University of Cincinnati Department of Biomedical Informatics in 2016. His research draws on human-computer interaction, data mining, information retrieval, and natural language processing to maximize the value of clinical data stored in electronic health records to improve care quality and support clinical and translational research. Dr. Wu received his masterís degree from the University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI) prior to enrolling in the Schoolís doctoral program. Before that, he worked as a software engineer for four years. In addition to research, Dr. Wu is dedicated to education, service, and practical engagement. He was appointed as a Lecturer in the Department of Health Management and Policy at the University of Michigan in Fall 2015, teaching a graduate-level course on database systems and Internet applications. He was a senior analyst leading a programming team to develop, implement, and innovate dynamic data capture systems at the University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center. He has served on the student editorial board of the Journal of American Medical Informatics Association in 2015-16.


Fellows of AMIA (FAMIA)

FAMIA stands for “Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association” and it recognizes the contributions and professional accomplishments of AMIA members who apply informatics skills and knowledge to their practice – be that in a clinical setting, a public or population health capacity, or as a clinical researcher.

Year Inducted
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Visual Analytics
Working Group

Past Chair 2025

The mission is to promote the development and validation of new visual analytical techniques that can be used to address some of the fundamental data and informatics challenges evident in the healthcare domain

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