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Fellows of AMIA (FAMIA)

FAMIA stands for “Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association” and it recognizes the contributions and professional accomplishments of AMIA members who apply informatics skills and knowledge to their practice – be that in a clinical setting, a public or population health capacity, or as a clinical researcher.

Year Inducted
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Working Group Steering Committee


The Working Group Steering Committee identifies trends and interests in biomedical and health informatics and oversees the Working Groups who exist to address the interests of AMIA’s members.

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Ethics Committee


The Ethics Committee reviews policies and procedures of AMIA programs to ensure that high ethical standards are maintained and recommends policies about conflicts of interest and types of conduct that should be discouraged.

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Journals and Publications Committee


The Journals and Publications Committee oversees AMIA’s journals, partner-journals, and publications, including monitoring relations with and the performance of the journals' publishers and editors, developing and reviewing policies on matters that affect the journals.

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Health and Healthcare Equity
Working Group

Chair Elect 2024

The Health and Healthcare Equity fosters a network of informaticists concerned with health and healthcare equity, and catalyze research and professional practice to advance equity in the discipline.

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