Education Catalog
Showing 36 - 40 out of 42
On Demand
ONC HTI-1 Proposed Rule Information Session
Member Interests
ONC released Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing (HTI-1) Proposed Rule to implement certain provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act, support Biden-Harris Administration Executive Orders, and advance interoperability. Join Jeffery Smith, Deputy Division Director of the Office of Technology, Certification & Testing [...]
On Demand
JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - May 2023
JAMIA Journal Club
Using AI-generated suggestions from ChatGPT to optimize clinical decision support Read the abstract Watch the Recording Presenters Manager Statement of Purpose Alert fatigue is a pressing issue. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of using ChatGPT to generate suggestions for improving the specificity of alert logic. The suggestions generated [...]

On Demand
JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - April 2023
JAMIA Journal Club
EvidenceMap: a three-level knowledge representation for medical evidence computation and comprehension Read the abstract Watch the Recording Speakers Manager Moderator Statement of Purpose When it comes to practicing evidence-based medicine, the PICO framework is the most widely adopted model for structuring clinical questions for clinical evidence retrieval. This work goes [...]

On Demand
JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - March 2023
JAMIA Journal Club
Evaluating resources composing the PheMAP knowledge Read the abstract Presenter Manager Moderator Watch the Recording Statement of Purpose Phenotyping and related algorithm design using electronic health record (EHR) data can be challenging and time-consuming. The PheMAP knowledge base was created to streamline the phenotyping process in EHR data. PheMAP is [...]

On Demand
JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - February 2023
JAMIA Journal Club
Team is brain: leveraging EHR audit log data for new insights into acute care processes Read the article Presenter Manager Moderator Watch the Recording Statement of Purpose Research using Electronic Health Record (EHR) audit- or event-logs is a rapidly growing field of study in healthcare that focuses on the analysis [...]