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On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - February 2024

JAMIA Journal Club
Utilizing patient-nurse verbal communication in building risk identification models: the missing critical data stream in home healthcare Read the abstract Presenter Maryam Zolnoori, PhD, is a postdoctoral research scientist in the School of Nursing. She has master’s degrees in information technology and health informatics from Tarbiat Modares University and Indiana [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - January 2024

JAMIA Journal Club
Inpatient nurses' preferences and decisions with risk information visualization Read the abstract Presenter Statement of Purpose Many hospitals have implemented sophisticated predictive models in hopes of improving care delivery; however, these systems’ effectiveness have yielded mixed results, with a primary reason being ineffective user interfaces contributing to implementation challenges. We [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - December 2023

JAMIA Journal Club
Improving model transferability for clinical note section classification models using continued pretraining Read the abstract Presenters Watch Recording Statement of Purpose Section classification refers to the task of assigning section names to clinical note segments. This is typically a preprocessing step that benefits downstream NLP tasks, such as named entity [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - October 2023

JAMIA Journal Club
Systematic design and data-driven evaluation of social determinants of health ontology (SDoHO) Read the abstract Watch the Recording Presenters Statement of Purpose As the significance of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) becomes increasingly acknowledged, non-medical factors surrounding us profoundly influence our health outcomes. In this growing field, our work serves [...]