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On Demand

Enabling Discovery of Biomedical Research Data: Introducing the Dataset Catalog

Member Interests
On February 1, 2024, National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced the launch of a beta version of a new online tool, the Dataset Catalog. This tool is intended to improve the discoverability and reuse of research data by making it easier for users to search, find, and connect biomedical datasets [...]
On Demand

Streamlining Success: Implementing Documentation Burden Reduction with the AMIA 25x5 Toolkit

Member Interests
The AMIA 25x5 Taskforce Documentation Burden Reduction Toolkit guides organizations through the process of reducing documentation burden. This webinar will highlight resources related to the governance of EHR optimization, implementation of solutions to reduce burden, and measurement of burden reduction. The webinar will also highlight a health system exemplar and [...]
On Demand

Generative AI for Improving Care and Research

The potential of generative AI is boundless and so too is the need for safe, proven healthcare technology. But how exactly should these two worlds combine? The panel will discuss current shortcomings in healthcare technology, how generative AI and LLMs can (and can't) help, and a systemic approach to assessing [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - February 2024

JAMIA Journal Club
Utilizing patient-nurse verbal communication in building risk identification models: the missing critical data stream in home healthcare Read the abstract Presenter Maryam Zolnoori, PhD, is a postdoctoral research scientist in the School of Nursing. She has master’s degrees in information technology and health informatics from Tarbiat Modares University and Indiana [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - January 2024

JAMIA Journal Club
Inpatient nurses' preferences and decisions with risk information visualization Read the abstract Presenter Statement of Purpose Many hospitals have implemented sophisticated predictive models in hopes of improving care delivery; however, these systems’ effectiveness have yielded mixed results, with a primary reason being ineffective user interfaces contributing to implementation challenges. We [...]