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On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - October 2024

JAMIA Journal Club
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating chronic inflammatory disease affecting the central nervous system, with significant implications for millions worldwide, particularly young adults. Current treatments for MS, known as disease-modifying therapies (DMTs), are aimed at reducing relapse rates and delaying disease progression
On Demand

25x5 Policy and Advocacy Workstream: Addressing Documentation Burden with Federal Legislators and Regulators

Member Interests
This webinar will provide an opportunity for members to hear from the 25x5 Policy and Advocacy Workstream about their work tackling documentation burden for clinical workers at a federal level. Members will hear updates on how the Workstream advances the 25x5 Task Force’s mission to reduce U.S. health professionals’ documentation [...]

Members Only

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FAMIA Leadership Lounge: Live with Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, FAMIA

Member Interests
Join the Fellows of AMIA for the premiere of the FAMIA Leadership Lounge: Live! a webinar series featuring FAMIA leaders in a fireside-chat style discussion. The first session features Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, FAMIA, 178th president of the American Medical Association
On Demand

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Real-World AI Use

Join researchers from RTI International for an insightful webinar exploring the transformative impact of AI in healthcare, informatics, and the research community. We'll kick off with a brief overview of AI's role in the sector, highlighting its integration with Clinical Decision Support (CDS) systems, applying AI in Large-scale EHR Data [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - September 2024

JAMIA Journal Club
From illness management to quality of life: rethinking consumer health informatics opportunities for progressive, potentially fatal illnesses Authors: Marcy G Antonio, PhD, Tiffany C Veinot, PhD. Read the abstract Watch the Recording Presenter Statement of Purpose Although chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death, it [...]