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AMIA Health Informatics Essentials: Foundational Knowledge

Health Informatics Essentials
Foundational Knowledge is a component of AMIA’s Health Informatics Essentials, a series of educational offerings that promote the profession of health informatics and its power to transform health care. Target Audience Professionals involved in direct or indirect care of patients who desire to learn more about the practice of health [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - December 2021

Predicting next-day discharge via electronic health record access logs Author You Chen, PhD, FAMIA discusses this month's JAMIA Journal Club selection: Zhang X, Yan C, Malin BA, Patel MB, Chen Y. Predicting next-day discharge via electronic health record access logs [published online ahead of print, 2021 Sep 30]. J Am [...]
On Demand

AMIA 2022 Artificial Intelligence Evaluation Showcase Informational Webinar

Artificial Intelligence is moving and shaping health and healthcare at lighting speed. The benefits of AI are multifold, but informatics research and practice is needed for the systematic and comprehensive evaluation of AI tools. AI in health and healthcare must be safely and effectively deployed in healthcare settings. Such evaluation [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - December 2023

Improving model transferability for clinical note section classification models using continued pretraining Weipeng Zhou, Meliha Yetisgen, Majid Afshar, Yanjun Gao, Guergana Savova, Timothy A Miller, Improving model transferability for clinical note section classification models using continued pretraining, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2023;, ocad190. Read the abstract Presenters [...]