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On Demand

AMIA 10x10 with University of Alabama at Birmingham

AMIA 10x10
Health Informatics The Health Informatics Program in the Department of Health Services Administration at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) offers a Health Informatics Distance Learning Course through the AMIA 10x10 Program. The AMIA 10x10 course is based on the course in the UAB Master of Science in Health [...]
On Demand

AMIA Public Comment Process and Public Policy Updates

AMIA Public Policy explains the typical federal government public commenting process and timeline, how AMIA fits within the government’s constraints, and how you can get involved. The presenters broke down AMIA’s process for developing a public comment letter with a step-by-step guide on where you fit in the timeline. Lastly [...]
On Demand

JAMIA Journal Club Webinar - August 2023

More than algorithms: an analysis of safety events involving ML-enabled medical devices reported to the FDA Read the abstract Watch the Recording Presenters Dr. David Lyell is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University. David studies the use of AI/ML technologies in healthcare, in [...]
On Demand

AMIA AI Evaluation Showcase Stage 3 - Informational Webinar

This informational webinar answers questions about Stage 3 of the AMIA AI Evaluation Showcase . Accepted presentations will take place at the AMIA 2023 Annual Symposium . Perspectives This webinar will focus on three different perspectives and discuss how to make synergy by collaborating across all three: Introduction of AMIA [...]
On Demand

AMIA 10x10 with OHSU in Conjunction with ACEP

AMIA 10x10
Biomedical and Health Informatics for Emergency Physicians Special Offering for the American College of Emergency Physicians This offering is tailored to emergency physicians and other emergency personnel and its content is geared to Emergency Medicine. It culminates in an optional in-person session during the 2023 Scientific Assembly of the American [...]