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AMIA/HL7 FHIR Applications Competition

AMIA and HL7® are partnering again to bring an exciting application competition to the AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium, November 5 – November 9, in Washington, DC. AMIA 2022 is the place for you if you have to offer or are interested in innovative and practical software applications that use FHIR®!

The HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) Standard has become a sizzling-hot method for accessing information in health information technology systems. As patients move around the healthcare ecosystem, their electronic health records must be available, discoverable and understandable.

FHIR® is making that possible, based on over 30 years of work by HL7® on healthcare data exchange and information modeling standards. The competition is intended to highlight the best and most innovative FHIR® implementations. Importantly, AMIA and its partners are committed to help make a larger audience aware of your software and thus broaden adoption. If you would like your software to get critical review and exposure through AMIA, you have come to the right place!

FHIR® is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.

2022 Winners

First Place

Kenrick Cato

Our Communicating Narrative Concerns Entered by RNs (CONCERN) Clinical Decision Support System

Second Place

Lucienne Ide

Managing Postpartum Hypertension with Rimidi’s FHIR-enabled Cardiometabolic Management Platform

Third Place

Martin Mayer

Getting FHIRd up about treatment of atrial fibrillation: How a FHIR-connected clinical decision support tool facilitates high-quality, patient-centered management of stroke risk in atrial fibrillation


S72: AMIA/HL7 FHIR App Competition

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 | 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST

Title Presenter
Managing Postpartum Hypertension with Rimidi’s FHIR-enabled Cardiometabolic Management Platform Lucienne Ide
Clinical Opioid Summary with Rx Integration (COSRI): A Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Tool for Increasing Safety in Prescribing Controlled Substances Bill Lober
University of Washington
Getting FHIRd up about treatment of atrial fibrillation: How a FHIR-connected clinical decision support tool facilitates high-quality, patient-centered management of stroke risk in atrial fibrillation Martin Mayer
EBSCO Clinical Decisions
MammoScreen - Integrating USPSTF Breast Cancer Screening into the EHR with FHIR Benjamin Orwoll
FHIR Based Form Designer and Data Collection Ravi Bajracharya
Wiseyak Inc.
FHIR Resource Deduplication, Unique Identification and Matching Technology 4 Justin Kaltenbach
Outcome Healthcare
Cuestionario – Dynamic Assessments with FHIR-FLI (‘firefly’) J. Grey Faulkenberry
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Touchstone - Delivering FHIR through high-quality services to empower the AMIA Community Mario Hyland, Inc.
Our Communicating Narrative Concerns Entered by RNs (CONCERN) Clinical Decision Support System Kenrick Cato
Columbia School of Nursing