Women in AMIA Newsletter
The Women in AMIA Monthly Newsletter series keeps the AMIA community up to date on Women in AMIA’s undertakings; spotlights AMIA women and their informatics activities in academia, industry and government; and solicits input from readers on matters of interest to them.
WIA Newsletter, October 2023
Stay up-to-date on the latest from the Women in AMIA community, and find out how you can connect at the 2023 Annual Symposium in New Orleans, November. 11-15, 2023.

WIA Newsletter January 2023, Issue 20
In this issue we highlight achievements in 2022 and upcoming opportunities.
WIA Newsletter October 2022, Issue 19
Join us at AMIA 2022! The Women in AMIA are happy to be hosting over 10 new and reoccurring events at AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium.

WIA Newsletter October 2021, Issue 18
In this issue we spotlight Dr. Carrie Baker and Dr. Pamela Garcia-Filion. We also highlight Women in AMIA activities scheduled for Annual Symposium in San Diego.

WIA Newsletter August/September 2021, Issue 17
Clinical Informatics Fellowship Pipeline Part 3. This month, WIA spotlights Dr. Dara Mize, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Vanderbilt University.

WIA Newsletter Jul 2021, Issue 16
This month we take a look at early career progression in informatics.

WIA Newsletter Jun. 2021, Issue 15
We spotlight Dr. Ila Singh, founding director of the Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program at Baylor University College of Medicine.

WIA Newsletter May 2021, Issue 14
We spotlight Dr. Martha Hellems, director of the Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program at the University of Virginia.

WIA Newsletter March 2021, Issue 12
Gender representation in informatics leadership and award recognition.

WIA Newsletter Jan/Feb 2021, Issue 11
Creating a clinical informatics fellowship pipeline.

WIA Newsletter December 2020, Issue 10
Summarize the Women in AMIA meeting at the Virtual AMIA 2020 conference, including participants' suggestions for future activities. Meet Team FIERCE from the Women in AMIA Leadership Program. Dr. Bill Hersh and the NLM T15 Directors on how to involve more faculty members in invited talks.