Partnering with patients and families living with chronic conditions to coproduce diagnostic safety through OurDX: a previsit online engagement tool.
Patients and families are key partners in diagnosis, but methods to routinely engage them in diagnostic safety are lacking. Policy mandating patient access to electronic health information presents new opportunities. We tested a new online tool ("OurDX") that was codesigned with patients and families, to determine the types and frequencies of potential safety issues identified by patients/families with chronic health conditions and whether their contributions were integrated into the visit [...]
Author(s): Bell, Sigall K, Dong, Zhiyong J, Desroches, Catherine M, Hart, Nicholas, Liu, Stephen, Mahon, Brianna, Ngo, Long H, Thomas, Eric J, Bourgeois, Fabienne
DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocad003