Build for future technology when building for the future: a lesson from the visible human project.
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96413138
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96413138
Some observers feel that the federal government should play a more active leadership role in educating the medical community and in coordinating and encouraging a more rapid and effective implementation of clinically relevant applications of wide-area networking. Other people argue that the private sector is recognizing the importance of these issues and will, when the market demands it, adopt and enhance the telecommunications systems that are needed to produce effective [...]
Author(s): Shortliffe, E H, Bleich, H L, Caine, C G, Masys, D R, Simborg, D W
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96413132
To examine the relationships among different performance scores for each of four diagnostic decision support systems (DDSSs).
Author(s): Berner, E S, Jackson, J R, Algina, J
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96310634
Electronic medical record systems (EMRSs) currently do not lend themselves easily to cross-institutional clinical care and research. Unique system designs coupled with a lack of standards have led to this difficulty. The authors have designed a preliminary EMRS architecture (W3-EMRS) that exploits the multiplatform, multiprotocol, client-server technology of the World Wide Web. The architecture abstracts the clinical information model and the visual presentation away from the underlying EMRS. As a [...]
Author(s): Kohane, I S, Greenspun, P, Fackler, J, Cimino, C, Szolovits, P
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96310633
Author(s): Friedman, C P, Dev, P
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96236286
To explore different user-interface designs for structured progress note entry, with a long-term goal of developing design guidelines for user interfaces where users select items from large medical vocabularies.
Author(s): Poon, A D, Fagan, L M, Shortliffe, E H
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96236285
To investigate a new approach for query expansion based on retrieval feedback. The first objective in this study was to examine alternative query-expansion methods within the same retrieval-feedback framework. The three alternatives proposed are: expansion on the MeSH query field alone, expansion on the free-text field alone, and expansion on both the MeSH and the free-text fields. The second objective was to gain further understanding of retrieval feedback by examining [...]
Author(s): Srinivasan, P
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96236284
To determine whether expert problem-solving strategies can be identified within a large number of student performances of complex medical diagnostic simulations.
Author(s): Stevens, R H, Lopo, A C, Wang, P
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96236281
Quality in the design and management of a medical school education program depends on the ability to access and analyze relevant information in a timely fashion. The components of medical-education information system should support learning and instruction as well as the administrative and research responsibilities of the program. A system capable of meeting these needs requires core, operational, and strategic components. This article discusses a conceptual schema of the medical [...]
Author(s): Kanter, S L
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96236278
To understand better the trade-offs of not incorporating explicit time in Quick Medical Reference (QMR), a diagnostic system in the domain of general internal medicine, along the dimensions of expressive power and diagnostic accuracy.
Author(s): Aliferis, C F, Cooper, G F, Miller, R A, Buchanan, B G, Bankowitz, R, Giuse, N
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1996.96342651