The LOINC (Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes) vocabulary is a set of more than 10,000 names and codes developed for use as observation identifiers in standardized messages exchanged between clinical computer systems. The goal of the study was to create universal names and codes for clinical observations that could be used by all clinical information systems. The LOINC names are structured to facilitate rapid matching, either automated or manual [...]
Author(s): Huff, S M, Rocha, R A, McDonald, C J, De Moor, G J, Fiers, T, Bidgood, W D, Forrey, A W, Francis, W G, Tracy, W R, Leavelle, D, Stalling, F, Griffin, B, Maloney, P, Leland, D, Charles, L, Hutchins, K, Baenziger, J
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050276