Building a National Health IT System from the middle out.
Author(s): Coiera, Enrico
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3183
Author(s): Coiera, Enrico
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3183
OBJECTIVE To identify the frequency of medication administration errors as well as their potential risk factors in nursing homes using a distribution robot. DESIGN The study was a prospective, observational study conducted within three nursing homes in the Netherlands caring for 180 individuals. MEASUREMENTS Medication errors were measured using the disguised observation technique. Types of medication errors were described. The correlation between several potential risk factors and the occurrence of [...]
Author(s): van den Bemt, Patricia M L A, Idzinga, Jetske C, Robertz, Hans, Kormelink, Dennis Groot, Pels, Neske
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2959
OBJECTIVE To determine whether a computerized clinical decision support system providing patient-specific recommendations in real-time improves the quality of prescribing for long-term care residents with renal insufficiency. DESIGN Randomized trial within the long-stay units of a large long-term care facility. Randomization was within blocks by unit type. Alerts related to medication prescribing for residents with renal insufficiency were displayed to prescribers in the intervention units and hidden but tracked in [...]
Author(s): Field, Terry S, Rochon, Paula, Lee, Monica, Gavendo, Linda, Baril, Joann L, Gurwitz, Jerry H
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2981
The Obesity Challenge, sponsored by Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2), a National Center for Biomedical Computing, asked participants to build software systems that could "read" a patient's clinical discharge summary and replicate the judgments of physicians in evaluating presence or absence of obesity and 15 comorbidities. The authors describe their methodology and discuss the results of applying Lockheed Martin's rule-based natural language processing (NLP) capability, ClinREAD. We [...]
Author(s): Childs, Lois C, Enelow, Robert, Simonsen, Lone, Heintzelman, Norris H, Kowalski, Kimberly M, Taylor, Robert J
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3083
OBJECTIVE The authors developed a natural language processing (NLP) framework that could be used to extract clinical findings and diagnoses from dictated physician documentation. DESIGN De-identified documentation was made available by i2b2 Bio-informatics research group as a part of their NLP challenge focusing on obesity and its co-morbidities. The authors describe their approach, which used a combination of concept detection, context validation, and the application of a variety of rules [...]
Author(s): Ware, Henry, Mullett, Charles J, Jagannathan, V
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3091
OBJECTIVE Free-text clinical reports serve as an important part of patient care management and clinical documentation of patient disease and treatment status. Free-text notes are commonplace in medical practice, but remain an under-used source of information for clinical and epidemiological research, as well as personalized medicine. The authors explore the challenges associated with automatically extracting information from clinical reports using their submission to the Integrating Informatics with Biology and the [...]
Author(s): Ambert, Kyle H, Cohen, Aaron M
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3095
In order to survey, facilitate, and evaluate studies of medical language processing on clinical narratives, i2b2 (Informatics for Integrating Biology to the Bedside) organized its second challenge and workshop. This challenge focused on automatically extracting information on obesity and fifteen of its most common comorbidities from patient discharge summaries. For each patient, obesity and any of the comorbidities could be Present, Absent, or Questionable (i.e., possible) in the patient, or [...]
Author(s): Uzuner, Ozlem
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3115
CONTEXT Telemedicine is a promising but largely unproven technology for providing case management services to patients with chronic conditions and lower access to care. OBJECTIVES To examine the effectiveness of a telemedicine intervention to achieve clinical management goals in older, ethnically diverse, medically underserved patients with diabetes. DESIGN, Setting, and Patients A randomized controlled trial was conducted, comparing telemedicine case management to usual care, with blinded outcome evaluation, in 1,665 [...]
Author(s): Shea, Steven, Weinstock, Ruth S, Teresi, Jeanne A, Palmas, Walter, Starren, Justin, Cimino, James J, Lai, Albert M, Field, Lesley, Morin, Philip C, Goland, Robin, Izquierdo, Roberto E, Ebner, Susana, Silver, Stephanie, Petkova, Eva, Kong, Jian, Eimicke, Joseph P, ,
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M3157
Emergency department crowding threatens quality and access to health care, and a method of accurately forecasting near-future crowding should enable novel ways to alleviate the problem. The authors sought to implement and validate the previously developed ForecastED discrete event simulation for real-time forecasting of emergency department crowding.
Author(s): Hoot, Nathan R, Leblanc, Larry J, Jones, Ian, Levin, Scott R, Zhou, Chuan, Gadd, Cynthia S, Aronsky, Dominik
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2772
The authors summarize their experience in iteratively testing the adequacy of three versions of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Clinical Document Ontology (CDO) to represent document names at Columbia University Medical Center. The percentage of documents fully represented increased from 23.4% (Version 1) to 98.5% (Version 3). The proportion of unique representations increased from 7.9% (Analysis 1) to 39.4% (Analysis 4); the proportion [...]
Author(s): Hyun, Sookyung, Shapiro, Jason S, Melton, Genevieve, Schlegel, Cara, Stetson, Peter D, Johnson, Stephen B, Bakken, Suzanne
DOI: 10.1197/jamia.M2821