The National Healthcare Safety Network's digital quality measures: CDC's automated measures for surveillance of patient safety.
This article presents the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)'s approach to automation for public health surveillance using digital quality measures (dQMs) via an open-source tool (NHSNLink) and piloting of this approach using real-world data in a newly established collaborative program (NHSNCoLab). The approach leverages Health Level Seven Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) application programming interfaces to improve data collection and reporting for public health and patient safety beginning with common [...]
Author(s): Shehab, Nadine, Alschuler, Liora, McILvenna, Sean, Gonzaga, Zabrina, Laing, Andrew, deRoode, David, Dantes, Raymund B, Betz, Kristina, Zheng, Shuai, Abner, Sheila, Stutler, Elizabeth, Geimer, Rick, Benin, Andrea L
DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocae064