AMIA Supports Overall Direction of HIPAA Modification Proposals, Calls for More Patient Privacy Protections and Alignment with Cures Rule
In comments submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR), AMIA applauded the agency for its proposals to promote information sharing and patient access to data. However, AMIA strongly urged OCR to coordinate with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to bolster protections […]
Addressing Algorithmic Bias Only One Part of Broader Societal Effort, AMIA Tells AHRQ
In comments to submitted to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), AMIA stressed that “data creation and collection and algorithm development, deployment, and evaluation do not occur in a value-free vacuum.” Thus, while “there are systematic steps and approaches that can be helpful in both recognizing and reducing […]
Student WG: May 2021
Tell us when you graduate, Links to opportunities for students, and LEAD Fund Award Winner Hope Gray.
WIA Newsletter May 2021, Issue 14
We spotlight Dr. Martha Hellems, director of the Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program at the University of Virginia.

AMIA Mourns Tom Piemme
AMIA Health Informatics Certification Eligibility Criteria and Program Details
AMIA Calls for New Focus on DEI Research
In comments submitted to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), AMIA called for the creation of new funding opportunities for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) research, as well as prioritizing DEI research proposals, researchers, training, and experience. AMIA further urged NIH to incentivize partnerships between large research institutions and those […]