The Quantified Brain: A Framework for Mobile Device-Based Assessment of Behavior and Neurological Function.
Author(s): Stark, David E, Kumar, Rajiv B, Longhurst, Christopher A, Wall, Dennis P
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-12-LE-0176
Author(s): Stark, David E, Kumar, Rajiv B, Longhurst, Christopher A, Wall, Dennis P
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-12-LE-0176
Accurate prediction of future patient census in hospital units is essential for patient safety, health outcomes, and resource planning. Forecasting census in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is particularly challenging due to limited ability to control the census and clinical trajectories. The fixed average census approach, using average census from previous year, is a forecasting alternative used in clinical practice, but has limitations due to census variations.
Author(s): Capan, Muge, Hoover, Stephen, Jackson, Eric V, Paul, David, Locke, Robert
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-09-RA-0127
Cancer research involves numerous disciplines. The multiplicity of data sources and their heterogeneous nature render the integration and the exploration of the data more and more complex. Translational research platforms are a promising way to assist scientists in these tasks. In this article, we identify a set of scientific and technical principles needed to build a translational research platform compatible with ethical requirements, data protection and data-integration problems. We describe [...]
Author(s): Rance, Bastien, Canuel, Vincent, Countouris, Hector, Laurent-Puig, Pierre, Burgun, Anita
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-09-RA-0125
Clinical decision support (CDS) has been shown to improve process outcomes, but over-alerting may not produce incremental benefits. We analyzed providers' response to preventive care reminders to determine if reminder response rates varied when a primary care provider (PCP) saw their own patients as compared with a partner's patients. Secondary objectives were to describe variation in PCP identification in the electronic health record (EHR) across sites, and to determine its [...]
Author(s): Weinfeld, Jeffrey M, Gorman, Paul N
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-10-RA-0142
To help manage the risk of falls in home care, this study aimed to (i) identify home care clinicians' information needs and how they manage missing or inaccurate data, (ii) identify problems that impact effectiveness and efficiency associated with retaining, exchanging, or processing information about fall risks in existing workflows and currently adopted health information technology (IT) solutions, and (iii) offer informatics-based recommendations to improve fall risk management interventions.
Author(s): Alhuwail, Dari, Koru, Güneş
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-11-RA-0160
A cloud-based mobile electronic prescribing and medication management system (ePMMS), in which prescribers' orders directly populate residential aged care facility (RACF) medication administration records (MARs) and are communicated electronically to the RACF's pharmacy, may create efficiencies and improve patient safety when compared to the paper-based and hybrid paper-electronic medication management systems used in most Australian RACFs. Little is known about general-practitioners' (GPs'), nurses' and pharmacists' acceptance of, or experiences with [...]
Author(s): Elliott, Rohan A, Lee, Cik Yin, Hussainy, Safeera Y
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-08-RA-0098
Healthcare team members in emergency department contexts have used electronic whiteboard solutions to help manage operational workflow for many years. Ambulatory clinic settings have highly complex operational workflow, but are still limited in electronic assistance to communicate and coordinate work activities.
Author(s): Steitz, Bryan D, Weinberg, Stuart T, Danciu, Ioana, Unertl, Kim M
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-07-CR-0082
Clinical time-series data acquired from electronic health records (EHR) are liable to temporal complexities such as irregular observations, missing values and time constrained attributes that make the knowledge discovery process challenging.
Author(s): Jane, Nancy Yesudhas, Nehemiah, Khanna Harichandran, Arputharaj, Kannan
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-08-RA-0102
Oncology has lagged in CPOE adoption due to the narrow therapeutic index of chemotherapy drugs, individualized dosing based on weight and height, regimen complexity, and workflows that include hard stops where safety checks are performed and documented.
Author(s): Martin, D B, Kaemingk, D, Frieze, D, Hendrie, P, Payne, T H
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-03-RA-0027
The electronic health record (EHR) is increasingly viewed as a means to provide more coordinated, patient-centered care. Few studies consider the impact of EHRs on quality of care in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting.
Author(s): Flatow, V H, Ibragimova, N, Divino, C M, Eshak, D S A, Twohig, B C, Bassily-Marcus, A M, Kohli-Seth, R
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-04-RA-0044