For children who present to emergency departments (EDs) due to blunt head trauma, ED clinicians must decide who requires computed tomography (CT) scanning to evaluate for traumatic brain injury (TBI). The Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) derived and validated two age-based prediction rules to identify children at very low risk of clinically-important traumatic brain injuries (ciTBIs) who do not typically require CT scans. In this case report, we [...]
Author(s): Tham, Eric, Swietlik, Marguerite, Deakyne, Sara, Hoffman, Jeffrey M, Grundmeier, Robert W, Paterno, Marilyn D, Rocha, Beatriz H, Schaeffer, Molly H, Pabbathi, Deepika, Alessandrini, Evaline, Ballard, Dustin, Goldberg, Howard S, Kuppermann, Nathan, Dayan, Peter S, ,
DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2015-10-CR-0144