How should we organize to do informatics? Report of the ACMI Debate at the 1997 AMIA Fall Symposium.
Author(s): Frisse, M E, Musen, M A, Slack, W V, Stead, W W
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050293
Author(s): Frisse, M E, Musen, M A, Slack, W V, Stead, W W
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050293
Information has become a capital good and is focused on outcomes. Clinical guidelines are being developed to standardize care for populations, but patient preferences also need to be known when planning individualized care. Information technologies can be used to retrieve both types of information. The concern is that nurses are not adequately prepared to manage information using technology. This paper presents five strategic directions recommended by the National Advisory Council [...]
Author(s): Gassert, C A
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050263
Practice guidelines are an integral part of evidence-based health care delivery. When the authors decided to install the clinical documentation component of an electronic health record in a nurse practitioner faculty practice, however, they found that they lacked the resources to integrate it immediately with other systems and components that would support the processing of clinical rules. They were thus challenged to devise an initial approach for decision support related [...]
Author(s): Henry, S B, Douglas, K, Galzagorry, G, Lahey, A, Holzemer, W L
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050237
Author(s): Masys, D R
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.0050214
To investigate factors that determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a critiquing system for asthma/COPD that will be integrated with a general practitioner's (GP's) information system.
Author(s): Kuilboer, M M, van der Lei, J, de Jongste, J C, Overbeek, S E, Ponsioen, B, van Bemmel, J H
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050194
This paper describes details of four scales of a questionnaire-- "Computers in Medical Care"--measuring attributes of computer use, self-reported computer knowledge, computer feature demand, and computer optimism of academic physicians. The reliability (i.e., precision, or degree to which the scale's result is reproducible) and validity (i.e., accuracy, or degree to which the scale actually measures what it is supposed to measure) of each scale were examined by analysis of the [...]
Author(s): Cork, R D, Detmer, W M, Friedman, C P
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050164
Author(s): McCray, A T, Miller, R A
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050129
The authors present the case study of a 35-year informatics-based single subspecialty practice for the management of patients with chronic thyroid disease. This extensive experience provides a paradigm for the organization of longitudinal medical information by integrating individual patient care with clinical research and education. The kernel of the process is a set of worksheets easily completed by the physician during the patient encounter. It is a structured medical record [...]
Author(s): Nordyke, R A, Kulikowski, C A
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050088
The aim of the project ARIANE is to model and implement seamless, natural, and easy-to-use interfaces with various kinds of heterogeneous biomedical information databases.
Author(s): Joubert, M, Fieschi, M, Robert, J J, Volot, F, Fieschi, D
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050052
The authors consider the problem of identifying new, unexpected, and interesting patterns in hospital infection control and public health surveillance data and present a new data analysis process and system based on association rules to address this problem.
Author(s): Brossette, S E, Sprague, A P, Hardin, J M, Waites, K B, Jones, W T, Moser, S A
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1998.0050373