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Nursing Informatics Committees

2025 Leadership Panel

  • Carolyn "Carrie" Sun, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, FAAN, Chair
  • Kenrick D. Cato, PhD, RN, CPHIMS, FAAN, Past Chair, Leadership Development
  • Benjamin J. Galatzan, PhD, RN, Secretary
  • Kimberly R Powell, PhD, RN, Fundraising Chair, Interim Co-Secretary
  • Yun Jiang, PhD, MS, RN, FAMIA, Member-at-Large
  • Tamara Macieira, PhD, RN, Member-at-Large
  • Paula Wolski, MSN, RN, NI-BC, Member-at-Large
  • Alvin Jeffery, PhD, RN, Member-at-Large
  • Samantha Stonbraker, PhD, MPH, RNDigital Community Co-Chair
  • Pankaj Vyas, PhDc, MSN, MBA, RN, Digital Community Co-Chair
  • Irem Ozbay, BSN, RN, Student Representative
  • Susan K. Newbold, PhD, RN-BC, FAAN, FHIMSS, FAMIA, History Committee Co-Chair
  • Juliana J. Brixey, PhD, RN-BC, FAMIA, History Committee Co-Chair
  • Karen Dunn Lopez, PhD, MPH, RN MSN, RN, FAAN,  ANI Co-Chair
  • Nancy J. Beale, PhD, RN, NI-BC, FAMIA, ANI Co Chair
  • Meghan Turchioe, PhD, RN, Policy Chair
  • Christina Baker, PhD, RN, Membership Committee Chair
  • Sarah Iribarren, PhD, RN, Education Committee Co-Chair
  • Young Ji Lee, PhD, RN, Education Committee Co-Chair
  • Raga Bjarnadottier, PhD, MPH, Content Manager
  • Gregory Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI FIAHSI,  IMIA NI Representative

Nominations and Elections Committee

The Nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of a Chair (first year Member at Large), the student representative and two additional members, all appointed by the Chair of the Working Group. The four persons shall include at least one person who is a member of the Leadership Committee and at least one person who is not a member of the Leadership Committee. Neither the Committee Chair nor the members of the Nominations and Elections Committee may run for office during their service on that Committee.

The duties of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be as follows:

  1. To solicit at least two, and no more than three, nominations for each office and background information on nominees.
  2. To determine that nominees are qualified under Articles 3 and 4 of these operating guidelines.
  3. To submit the draft ballot to the Leadership Committee for endorsement.
  4. To submit the ballot to the AMIA office as state in the AMIA bylaws, following endorsement by the Leadership Committee.
  5. To follow the timelines and procedures for elections as stated in AMIA bylaws.
  6. To work with the AMIA Secretariat to see that ballots are distributed to all regular members of the Working Group, and counted in accordance with AMIA bylaws, policies and procedures.
  7. To verify and report the results of the elections to the Leadership Committee.

Membership and Outreach Committee

The Membership and Outreach Committee shall be appointed by the Chair of the Working Group. Leadership In addition to the Chair, there shall be at least two members, both of whom are regular members of the Working Group, and at least one of whom is not a member of the Leadership Committee. The duties of the Membership and Outreach Committee are as follows:

  1. To advise the Leadership Committee and to develop proposals for actions related to concerns of the membership, member service, recruitment of members, and outreach activities.
  2. To assist and participate with the Leadership Committee as requested, and to facilitate activities related to member services, recruitment of members, and outreach.

Education Committee

The AMIA NIWG Education Committee is responsible for ongoing education activities held throughout the year. This may include webinars, the annual “year in review,” and collaboration with the AMIA Education or other Working Groups to develop, collect and disseminate educational resources for the membership.

Fund Raising

The AMIA NIWG Fund Raising Committee seeks to raise funds for NIWG activities where needed. Examples include the NIWG meeting, reception, and networking events during the AMIA Annual Symposium. Will assist with funding for the Werley and Saba Awards. Works with the Leadership Committee and the AMIA Director of Industry Partnerships.

History Project

The overall purpose of the AMIA NIWG Nursing Informatics History Project is to document and preserve the history of nursing informatics in the United States 2000 and prior.

Digital Communities

  • Share information about AMIA NIWG opportunities with members
  • Attract non-members to the AMIA NIWG community with quality content
  • Source interesting user-generated content related to the working group's expertise
  • Connect members and expand the informatics and social media community

Leadership Development

The Leadership Development Committee includes senior members of NIWG who have held leadership roles with AMIA and who will develop strategies to assist emerging leaders to forge a pathway to leadership positions within AMIA.


Members of the Standards Committee is responsible for raising awareness of matters of standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and other issues surrounding health information technology.


The AMIA NIWG Policy Committee is responsible for recommending advocacy issues and activities, as well as identifying critical areas for strategic policy engagement that might impact members