For Your Informatics: Episode 31- Teens, Portals, and 21st Century Cures Act
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This podcast is focused on information blocking and sensitive health data, more specifically, the newly implemented 21st Century Cures Act and the unanticipated impact these regulations have on teens, parents, and providers. Our experts will explore the policy and practice landscape of the 21 Century Cures Act with a focus on adolescent health data sharing and its sometimes direful consequences.

Anita Murcko, MD, MACP, FAMIA
Clinical Associate Professor
Arizona State University

Marianne Sharko, MD, MS
Weill Cornell Medical College Health Policy and Research

Trent Rosenbloom, MD, MPH, FACMI, FAMIA
Professor and Vice Chair
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Dept of Biomedical Informatics