In this episode, podcast co-host Dr. Sanah Ali chats with Dr. Joseph Kannry, MD and Reva Singh, JD to demystify the arena of national advocacy in medical informatics. Dr. Kannry is 2018-2022 chair of AMIA's Public Policy Committee. He works in the Mt. Sinai Health System as Lead Technical Informaticist, EMR Clinical Transformation Group and Internal Medicine faculty physician. Reva Singh is AMIA's Vice President of Public Policy. Our juicy discussion topics include:
- AMIA's policy principles & position statements
- Washington Download: biweekly newsletter
- Responses to regulatory RFIs (Request for Information)
- Most recently, CMS initiative to create a National Provider Directory
- Key federal institutions and Congressional committees with jurisdiction over healthcare
- Strengthening the Informatics workforce
- Need for more accurate patient-provider attribution
- ONC Interoperability Standards & USCDI
- Limitations: State HIE participation cannot be mandated by the federal government
- Challenges to CDS (clinical decision support) interoperability
- 2022 Inflation Reduction Act
Dr. Sanah Ali
Dr. Joseph Kannry, MD
Mt. Sinai Health System

Reva Singh, JD