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Public Biography
Dr. Tammy Toscos holds a PhD in Informatics from Indiana University, Bloomington where she focused on Human Computer Interaction Design and completed a Postdoctoral Health Services Research Fellowship at the Regenstrief Institute, Indianapolis. She has over 10 years conducting user-centered design research aimed at developing technologies that empower people of all ages to make better decisions about their health. As a Research Scientist and Manager of Informatics Research at Parkview Research Center, she leads an interdisciplinary team focused on finding optimal ways to leverage health information technologies to empower patients to effectively manage their health. Dr. Toscosí research has been acknowledged with several awards and funded by PCORI, AHRQ, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and various industry sponsors. Most recently, in July 2018, Dr. Toscos partnered with a team that captured first place in an innovation competition sponsored by the American Hospital Association.


Public Policy Committee


The committee recommends advocacy issues and activities and identifies critical areas for AMIA's strategic advocacy engagement for Board approval. The committee works with AMIA’s policy consultant, staff, and Board to develop annual work plans which support the strategic directions set by the Board. The committee works with the staff in developing and reviewing draft submissions in response to requests for comments in support of AMIA positions and helps prepare position papers on matters of public policy.

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