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Public Biography
Biomedical scientist, with a BA and a PhD by the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, Brazil) and a post-doctoral fellowship by the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany) in neurophysiology of behavior. Was a professor of physiology and medical informatics from 1970 to 2003 at the Medical Schools of the State Universities of São Paulo and Campinas, Brazil. Founder and director of the Center of Biomedical Informatics during 20 years. Founding member and past president and director of education of the Brazilian Society of Health Informatics, and founding member and vice-president/education WG co-chair, of the HL7 Institute Brazil, and former vice-president of IHE Association Brazil. Founding Fellow elect of the International Academy of Health Science Informatics (IAHSI), IMIA, Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics and Fellow of AMIA. Currently he is associate or invited professor of Health Informatics and Telehealth at several medical and health sciences schools around Brazil, and a private consultant of HIT. Recently appointed as a Honorary Member and permanent member of the Advisory Council of the Brazilian Society of Health Informatics, Chair (2023-2024) ot AMIA's Education WG, and Member of the HL7 International Education Advisory Council

Historic ACMI Biography

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Dr. Sabbatini is a pioneer in biomedical informatics in Brazil. He founded the Brazilian Society of Medical Informatics (1986) and mentored numerous Brazilians, including Dr. Guilherme Del Fiol and Dr. Marcelo Fiszman. Recognizing Dr. Sabbatini maintains ACMIís position as a leading supporter of progress in international biomedical informatics.


The American College of Medical Informatics

ACMI is a college of elected Fellows from the U.S. and abroad who have made significant and sustained contributions to the field of medical informatics. It is the central body for a community of scholars and practitioners who are committed to advancing the informatics field.

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Fellows of AMIA (FAMIA)

FAMIA stands for “Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association” and it recognizes the contributions and professional accomplishments of AMIA members who apply informatics skills and knowledge to their practice – be that in a clinical setting, a public or population health capacity, or as a clinical researcher.

Year Inducted
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