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EvidenceMap: a three-level knowledge representation for medical evidence computation and comprehension

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Chunhua Weng, PhD
Columbia University
Tian Kang, PhD




Hanyin Wang
PhD Candidate
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine
Evanston, IL


Sarvesh Soni, PhD Candidate
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Statement of Purpose

When it comes to practicing evidence-based medicine, the PICO framework is the most widely adopted model for structuring clinical questions for clinical evidence retrieval. This work goes beyond the PICO entity level and contributes a 3-level computable representation for clinical evidence called EvidenceMap and accompanying annotated corpora and an NLP pipeline.

Learning Objectives

After participating in the webinar, attendees should be able to:

  • To appreciate the value of a symbolic knowledge representation for clinical evidence
  • To appreciate the symbiosis between a knowledge representation and an NLP pipeline for structuring clinical evidence in PubMed
Dates and Times: -
Type: JAMIA Journal Club
Course Format(s): On Demand
Price: Free