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Nursing Informatics Innovators: Patricia Abbott

Dr.Abbott is best known for her early work in helping to establish the Nursing Informatics Specialty. She was a member of the Author team for the original Scope and Standards of NI Practice with the ANA, and then her work on developing the first certification exam in NI with the ANCC. She was the Director of Graduate Programs in Nursing Informatics at the University of Maryland from 1998-2003. In 2004 Patti moved to the Hopkins School of Nursing and shifted into Global Health Informatics for front line caregivers in low resource settings. Most of her current work has been in this realm, where she is using low-bandwidth technologies and knowledge management approaches to impact community health. She completed a NIH/NLM funded two year post-doc in the Hopkins School of Medicine where she focused upon the study of user-centered design and usability which she applies in both clinical and international settings.

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