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Climate, Health and Informatics Working Group Welcome Kit

Welcome to the AMIA Climate, Health and Informatics Working Group! (Please note, you must be an AMIA member to join the Climate, Health and Informatics Working Group. If that is not possible, you may still access the Slack channel and the Google Drive and attend our meetings.

Please let us know how to make the WG and its information resources as useful to you as possible! Thanks again for being part of our group!

Reasons to Join the Working Group

  • AMIA is the main professional society for biomedical informatics in the United States - with 5,700+ members.
  • AMIA serves informaticians throughout their careers — from students and young professionals to active professionals and retirees.
  • The Climate, Health and Informatics WG includes more than 130 members* (and growing) with lots of diversity of professional background, interests, skills and experience.
  • Become an AMIA member today!

*As of December 2024

Highlighted Work

How to Connect With Us

The Climate, Health and Informatics WG meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month at 1:00 - 2:00 pm. If you would like to participate, please contact Titus Schleyer at [email protected].

The leadership team also meets monthly, usually the week prior to the monthly meeting(s). Minutes from that meeting are published to the Working Group (and below).

Community Platforms

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AMIA Connect

Members only

Access the Climate, Health and Informatics Working Group on AMIA Connect.
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Connect in real-time. Sign up for the Slack workspace and join the #general channel. Additional channels include communication about conference submissions and other workstreams.


Google Drive

We have a shared Google Drive with all the information we produce and curate. Key folders: