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The Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) is an interdisciplinary research and training program that plays a key role in fulfilling UNC-Chapel Hill's commitment to improving human health through health informatics research, data sharing, development, and education.

CHIP draws faculty, health care professionals, and students from across the UNC campus to conduct basic and translational research and to offer graduate training in health informatics for scientists across the disciplines and for clinicians in medicine, nursing, public health, dentistry, and pharmacy. CHIP leverages talent in departments in the College of Arts and Sciences; nationally recognized professional schools; a world-class health care system; a national data science center; and corporations, think tanks, and government agencies in the RTP region.

We offer a range of flexible training options designed for graduate students and professionals to tailor their learning and be competitive in this rapidly expanding field. Our program has a foundation in theory, but our focus is putting knowledge into practice. All active programs require a separate or course-integrated internship designed to integrate classroom learning and real world experience. The program participants and graduates are applying their knowledge in hospitals and clinics, public health agencies, medical research centers and health-related companies.

Carl Seashore
Director Email
Claire Karasek, MHA
Coordinator Email
Chapel Hill
North Carolina