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 Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to participate in an important project aimed to reduce clinician burnout. As you are aware, clinician burnout is a significant problem in the healthcare industry, and we believe that electronic health record (EHR) systems can play an important role in reducing its scope by reducing the burden of documentation and information retrieval.  

The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) launched the AMIA 25x5 initiative in 2021 with the goal of achieving widespread reductions (to 25% of current state) in electronic health record related documentation burden within 5 years (by 2026). The 25x5 initiative aims to reduce documentation burden by re-envisioning the role of clinician documenters, by improving the tools used to review information and to document, and by judiciously removing regulations that generate unnecessary EHR-related work.

The initiative intends to be a catalyst for improving the quality of care through reducing the burden of EHRs and is expected to have a significant effect on the healthcare industry and its tools in the long term.


Share your thoughts and feedback on potential vendor solutions to reduce documentation burden.

Deadline: Feb. 28, 2023

Submit your input


We identified a candidate set of solutions that we believe have the potential to reduce documentation burden and resultant clinician burnout. We are seeking your thoughts and feedback on these solutions and any additional ideas you may have.

These solutions currently include the following ideas regarding how the vendor community can help with this goal.

  1. Create an Industry competition and award program and publicize examples of burden reduction to generate vendor recognition and enhanced visibility
  2. Automate coding through ‘hands-off’ data collection & use of AI
  3. Implement patient reported outcomes accessible at point of care
  4. Rethink and reimplement EHR documentation training processes and tools
  5. Improved transparency around user-identified EHR concerns and developer feedback
  6. Create industry tools and examples to promote workflow revisioning
  7. Create a competition among health systems/practices for award programs and publicize outstanding examples to generate individual/team recognition and visibility around success stories
  8. Encourage vendors and industry to develop more flexible interfaces that are workflow tailored
  9. Implement personalized clinical decision support using AI/heuristics to drive user-specific workflows and recommendations
  10. Improve user resources such as workflow centric assistance and shared knowledge databases by engaging vendors and clinical subject matter experts
  11. Vendors to create the capability to (decompose) CCDA for granular reuse of data points
  12. Create 25x5 working group documentation on reduction to establish standards with regards to documentation for compliance
  13. Develop a measure that automatically grades notes on length/efficiency/redundancy; can utilize AI algorithm and schedules training; automated benchmarking/analysis of documentation trend, individual & department level

You can provide feedback on these ideas, provide more details and use cases for them and most importantly identify gaps where you believe that actions of the vendor community could contribute to our documentation burden reduction goals.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Sarah Corley
AMIA 25x5 Task Force

25x5 Task Force Leadership

  • Sarah Rossetti, RN, PhD, FACMI, FAMIA AMIA, 25x5 Task Force Chair
  • Sarah Corley, MD, FACP, FHIMSS, Vendor Workstream Lead
  • Rebecca Grochow Mishuris, MD, MS, MPH, Health Systems/Provider Workstream Lead
  • Vicky Tiase, PhD, RN-BC, FAMIA, FAAN, Policy/Advocacy Workstream Lead